Chapter 10: Apology accepted.

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"Hey," Bellamy said, running over beside me.

"What the fuck do you want now Bellamy Blake?" I asked, rolling my eyes and crossing my arms.

"I'm sorry I never meant to do it! I like you, your actually one of the people in the camp I care for." Bellamy sighed.

"Yeah you care, that's why you told everyone we've had sex! I'm a virgin so I don't even know any positions. So you can lie all you want but my proof is their." I argued.

"Please Rey-" I cut Bellamy off by releasing an ear piercing scream.

"AGHHHHHHHHHH BELLL HELP!!!!!!" I screamed as I fell through a hole. I looked down and it was filled with spears that were about to impale me.

I felt a hand grab mine. I looked up and saw Bellamy holding on. I started to sob.

"Please pull me up Bellamy I'm begging you! Please!! Don't let me die!!!! Bellamy your better than this." I exclaimed.

Bellamy stared at me hesitantly before pulling me up. I leaned into his chest crying, then pulled away hitting his chest.

"YOU ASSHOLE! YOU WERE CONSIDERING DROPPING ME!" I cried, my legs went numb and I fell to the floor.

Bellamy got down next to me and pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry I was shocked and my mind went blank. It's just behind you." He whispered.

I turned around to find Jasper strung up on a tree. The others ran over.

"I heard screaming and-" Octavia gasped as she saw Jasper. Everyone's jaw dropped.

"What the hell did they do to him?" I murmured. I went to go to him but Bellamy pulled me back.

"Please stay here, we'll get him down. Just stay here in case you get hurt again." Bellamy asked, looking scared.

I nodded and stood.

"We need to get him down." Clarke explains.

"I'll climb up and cut down the vines." Riley offers, walking over to the tree. I glance over at Clarke to see her gazing admirably at my brother.

Wells notices and starts to limp forward. "Yeah, I will too."

"No, you stay with Clarke." Riley states then glances at Murphy. "You, let's go!"

Murphy follows hesitantly after Riley, following up the tree.

"What's that on his wound?" Clarke asks examine the wound. "I can't see from down here."

"Ughhh there's a... poultice on his wound" Riley stated as he climbs over to where Jasper is.

"Medicine?" Wells questions. "Why would they save his life just to strong him up as live bait."

"Maybe whatever they're trying to catch likes it's meals breathing." Bellamy suggests.

"What if they're trying to catch us?" I asked. Bellamy held my hand.

"It's fine. We're all going to be fine." He whispered. I smiled but it soon faded as I heard an inhumane growl.

"What the hell was that?" Murphy demands.

"Grounders?" Bellamy questions. I let go of his hand and pull his top up to look for his gun in his waistband. I pull it out and hold it carefully.

"Give me the gun," Bellamy asked, looking scared.

"No it's fine. I've used one before remember." I said, recalling the time I shot the guard.

A black panther leaps out from the bushes charging towards me and Bellamy. I cock the gun and pull the trigger twice. Once in the chest and again in the head between it's eyes.

"Damn the second time you've ever shot a gun and you got it right between the eyes again!" Finn stated. I chuckled lightly to ease the mood.

"Bellamy can you carry it back to camp so we can cook and eat it." I asked. He nodded and picked it up as Murphy came down to help after catching Jasper.

"Bellamy." I said. He looks over to me. "I accept your apology." I smile.

"Thank you and thanks for saving me from being dinner for the panther." Bellamy states.

And with that we set off back to camp, this time with Jasper and food.

This chapter is a filler. I just needed to get the forest part out of the way so they can get back to camp 🌲 I couldn't leave Reyna mad at Bellamy because there friendship is my salvation as she is his salvation 🌸 I'm on holiday again so I only get wifi in the club house will post their though. 🌸

Well anyway I have another account and I want it for writing fan fictions. It's going to be a joint acc so if anyone wants in message me and I will pick 3 or 4 people. Aka editor, writers and cover maker.

Edited: No




AND THANK YOU FunnyWinchesters1967 for the ship name Reyllamy! 😘

Anyways buh-baiiii 😘
Word count: 791

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