Chapter 25: The Turning Point

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We finally made it back to camp and already orders were being flew around.

"Jasper go get Clarke, I'll stay with O." I ordered. He nodded and ran off calling Clarke's name.

I saw Clarke weaving her way through the crowd. "What's going on?" She asked, worry etched upon her face.

I glanced at Octavia then behind us, where Bellamy and ash carried Finn in.

Finn looked in a worker condition then before, his face had paled and his eyes carried dark circles around them.

Clarke's eyes widened as she gasped. "Finn!" She rushed over to him. "Finn. Oh my god! Oh my god!"

She pressed the tip of her fingers on his neck, searching frantically for a pulse.

"Oh my god!" Raven mumbled in shock.

"He's alive" Clarke called out. "Ash... please help. I know you was a doctor."

He nodded. "Help me carry Finn in the drop ship, Clarke come with us." My brother ordered.

"Clarke can you save him?" Raven squawked.

"No-" she trailed off. "Not me... my mother. I need to talk to her."

"There's still no radio!" Raven exclaimed.

"Fix it Raven. I know you can." I said. "Ask Monty for help. If anyone can do it, it's you guys."

"I'm going to help O," I said as I walked to the drop ship, helping Octavia limp her way there.


Edited: No

Double Update!

Short chapter here. Sorry for not updating recently but as you all should know babies are trouble 😂 Had loads of visitors to see him 🤷🏽‍♀️ I'm like who the fuck are you? Are you even in my family? 😂

Anyways buh-baiiii 😘




Word count: 277

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