Chapter 2: Welcome back to Earth

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Today I turned eighteen and I knew it was only a matter of time before they take me to be floated. In a way I was kind of glad because I would get to reunite with my family in death, but at the same time I wanted to live and have my freedom but I knew there was no way it was going to happen.

The door to my jail cell opened. It was time. Two guards stepped inside my jail cell.
"Prisoner two seventeen, against the wall," one of the guards ordered. I silently obeyed.
"Hold out your right arm," the man instructs. He pulled out a box opening it to reveal a bracelet. I stared at it in confusion.

"Hold out your arm," he repeats taking a step forward. He grabbed my wrist clipping the bracelet on. They lead me out of my cell. I looked around and saw the same thing is happening to every other person here. The guards each grabbed my arm and lead me to a space pod.

My eyes widened. We were being sent down to earth.The guard seated me and strapped me on with a red seatbelt keeping me strapped in my chair. The guards left and shut the pod after the last person was seated. I kind of felt relieved about not being floated, I was no longer going to die. To be held like a prisoner, I was going to be free.

Beside me sat a girl who looked around the age of seventeen. She looked like she had been knocked out. I chuckled a little as her head bobbed. The girl stirs from beside me. I glance over to see her raising her head.

"Welcome back to the land of the living!" I chuckle softly, joking. The girl glanced down to her wrist.

"Yeah, we all got one. Looks like we're going back to earth. By the way I'm Reyna." I stated.

"I'm Clarke" she answers nodding softly.

All of a sudden the pod jolts, the lights flickering and everyone let's out screams. I giggle in hysterics. The lights turn back on.

"What was that?" Clarke asked.

"That was the atmosphere." A dark toned boy states.

"Wells what the hell are you doing here?!" Clarke shouts.

"When I found out they were sending people down to the ground I got myself arrested," Wells explains "I did it for you."

Clarke opens her mouth to say something, being cut off when a screen within the ship flickers to life, Chancellor Jaha being shown on the screen.

"Prisoners of The Ark," Chancellor Jaha greets, "hear me now. You've been given a second chance. As your Chancellor, I hope you see this not as a chance for you, but a chance for all of us. Indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds for survival were better, we would have sent others. Frankly we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable."

"Bullshit!" I muttered.

"Your dads a dick Wells!" Someone shouted.

"Your Chancellor Jaha's son?" I ask. Wells nods in response.

"The drop site has been chosen carefully," Jaha continues to explain. "Before the war Mt Weather had a military base built within the mountains which was supposed to be stocked with enough perishables to sustain three hundred people for two years."

My attention gets diverted away from the Chancellor over to a boy who is doing a flip though the ship, no gravity to hold him. The boy places himself in front of us, the boy crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oh look your dad floated me after all." The boy stated looking at Wells. People around us let out laughs.
Wells simply stating, "strap in before the parachutes deploy."

I look over and see two boy pulling out daggers and cutting there straps.

"Keep yourself strapped in if you want to live." Clarke shouts in annoyance. Rather than listening to her, they pull themselves away from their seats, floating around just like the first spacewalker.

He glances towards Clarke in amusement, stating "Hey, you're the traitor who's been in solitary for a year."

"Yeah and you're the idiot who wasted a month of oxygen on an illegal space walk." Clarke retorts.

"It was fun," he defends "I'm Finn."

Suddenly there was a harsh jolt something that I could only conclude as the parachutes deploying. It was then the three boys went flying across the ship slamming into the metal walls of it.

"Finn are you okay?" Clarke cries out.

A series of sparks begin to shower over them all. Smoke begins to billow out of a cable, filling the ship.

"Retrorockets ought to have fired out by now!" Wells exclaims.

"Everything on this ship is a hundred years old, right? Just give it a second." I say.

They're silent for a moment. Glancing towards Clarke, Wells shouts,
"Clarke, there's something I have to tell you! I'm sorry I got your father arrested!"

"Don't you talk about my father!" Clarke snaps at him.

"Please," Wells pleads to her, "I can't die knowing you hate me!"

"They didn't arrest my father Wells!" Clarke cries out "They executed him. I do hate you!"

After that Wells falls silent, people around them shouting as they fear for their lives. The ship continues to rattle and shake, soon slowing down before crashing into a stop. The machine that we're filling the ship with sound soon fall silent as well, no one uttering a word. All of them knew that they were now on Earth.

Edited: No

Hey I hope you liked this. It will be continued from this point of the story in the next chapter. 😘 Buh-bye beautifuls 😘
Word count: 958

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