Chapter 19: New Arrival

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It was now turning morning and me and my brother were running to the pod quickly.

"Stop! I don't want to hurt you!" Clarke's voice sounded from behind us.

"What are you in about Clarke?" I asked, turning to face her.

"Where's Bellamy?" She asked.

"I don't know but whatever is on this pod he wants. He snuck off and we wanted to get here before he did." I explained.

"I guess we had the same idea." She chuckled.

We heard a groan from the pod. I grab the handle to the pod, opening it to reveal a girl. She was really pretty.

"Hi," the girl mumbled. "I made it?"
I nodded, smiling at her. Clarke runs over to me and helps get the girl out.

She takes off her space suit and takes a deep breath. "Ahhh, I dreamed it would smell like this. Is this rain?" She looks up smiling.

"Welcome home," Clarke laughed.
The girl giggles as the rain falls down on her.

"Raven!" Finn gasped. He ran over to her. "Raven!"

She turns to face him and she grinned. "Finn!" She exclaimed.
Clarke looked confused.

Raven and Finn run into each other's arms. "I knew you wouldn't be dead," she murmured.

"Your bleeding," Finn stated, pointing at her head.

"I don't care!" She said, as she pressed her lips onto his. They both kissed sweetly.

Clarke looked upset. My brother shuffled over to comfort her. Placing his hand on the small of her back. He whispered something in her ear then she smiled at him.

Raven and Finn finally pulled away. Raven let out a little laugh.

"How did you get here?" He asked.

"You know the big scrap hold? The one on K deck?" She grinned at him.

His eyes widened in shock. "You built that from scrap?" He asked.

"I kind of rebuilt it." She chuckled. "Please like that's hard! I just needed a couple of parts and some love."

"Your insane," he chuckled.

"I'd do more for you and worse. Just like you would for me." She said, grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

Raven started to stumble a bit. "Hey, why don't you sit? Finn get her something for her injuries." I said.

"I'm Reyna." I smile at her. She smiles back. Finn comes back a few seconds after with his jacket and some medicine type thing.

He puts it on her leg then puts his jacket round her to warm her up. She smiled at him and he just smiled back.

Gosh he is good at hiding things from people. I'm wayyyy better though. God I'm turning into Bellamy a Cocky douche.

"Bell," I gasped. Clarke looked at me with a frown. I ran to the drop ship to see if he had taken anything.

Raven and Clarke are having a conversation but I don't tune in. Instead I look for signs of anything missing.

I turn sideways to see Raven looking panicky. "The radio! It's gone! It must have gotten loose during re-entry. I should have strapped it to the A-strut. Stupid!" Raven gasped.

"For fuck sake! Bellamy stole the radio!" I muttered. Raven turned to face me.

I walk away and start walking back through the forest. "Bellamy!" I shouted. I started to run to speed up.

A while later, I see Bellamy strolling around. He looked happy like he was enjoying the day.

"Bellamy!" I shouted. I jogged over and tapped him in he shoulder. "Yes princess?" He replied.

I curled my fist up in a ball and punched him in the face. He stumbled back, I then pushed him. He fell in the floor on his ass.

"I hate you! Your responsible for 300 people dying unless you tell me where the radio is!" I shouted, each word dripping with venom.

I kicked his legs. "Stop, Rey!" He shouted. I kicked him again. I went to kick him again but he grabbed my leg and pulled me down.

I landed on top of him. "What the fuck is wrong with you Bell!" I shouted.

He brushed a strand of hair away from my face. "You got a bit of blood there," I said. He frowned.

I kicked my thumb and wiped the blood from his lip. "I'm sorry for cutting your lip," I smiled at him.

"I deserved it." He smiled back.

I don't know what came over me but all of a sudden I pulled Bellamy up by the collar of his jacket. I then smashed my lips against his.

He looked surprised at me but he didn't pull away, Instead he licked my lips for entrance. I smirked in the kiss.

I pulled away as Bellamy rested his head back on the ground. He smirked at me.

"What was that for princess?" Bellamy asked. I smirked at him.

"Answers. Where's the Radio?" I asked.

"If you kiss me more you can know anything." He smirked.

"Okay, there is blood in your tent. I beat one of your skanks because she disrespected me." I smirked at him.

"Damn looks like I won't get a second round of her." He pouted.

"Eww you manwhore! I'm never kissing you again, I'll probably get an STD!" I moaned. He chuckled.

I got up and helped Bellamy up. After I was about to talk but was interrupted by Raven.

"Bellamy Blake?" She gasped. How does she know him?

To be continued...


Edited: No

¡Hola! So what do you think? They finally kissed! It wasn't a serious one yet but it will get serious and there will be more Reyllamy moments.


Anyways buh-baiiii 😘




Word count: 944

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