Chapter 18: Morning

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"Morning" a voice sounded. My eyes fluttered open.

"Hey," I mumbled rubbing my eyes. Bellamy had his arm wrapped around my waist pulling me into his chest and his head nestled in the crook of my neck.

"Your cute when you sleep," he mumbled into my neck. I laughed.

"Gosh your annoying in the morning," I smiled. He lifted his head to look up at me.

"You know I haven't slept with anyone for a few days now. Do I get a reward?" He smirked.

"Pshh! Bellamy why are you always so horny?"!" I burst out laughing at the surprise on his face.

"I'm not horny, I just have needs," he said.

"Well I have needs too but every time I try your always there breaking it up. I don't ruin your fun time do I?" I smirked.

"We could always satisfy each other's needs," Bellamy smirked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Eww, No Bell! That's disgusting like your face." I laughed. He glared at me.

"Fine suit yourself." He chuckled. His hot breath on my neck.

"Bell, get off me! I need to get up." I moaned, feeling uncomfortable being so close to him.

"Why? Do you feel uncomfortable?" He smirked.

"Yes, your being a pervert!" I laughed.

"Are you sure it's not because I'm topless and sexy? I wouldn't blame you for wanting a piece of me." He whispered in my ear.

All of a sudden he starts nibbling on my ear.

"BLakE!.!.." I said. "Stop!" He pulled away.

"What's wrong princess? Afraid to give in to the temptation?" He whispered.

"Don't pull a stunt like that again or trust me your ball sack won't be there anymore. I will rip em off and feed them to you.!" I shouted. "Clear?"

"Clear." He salutes me. I scoff then get up. I reach down to grab my jacket to put on when a hand grabs my waist.

Lips leaving a trail of kisses down my neck. Bellamy nibbled on my neck a bit. I let a moan slip. He chuckled.

"Bellamy!!" I hear Clarke's voice shout. I push him away and put my boots and jacket on. I quickly jump up and slip out of the tent.

"Reyna!" Bellamy moaned jumping up and following me out.

I went to turn around but saw something plummeting down to the ground. I turned to face Bellamy but he looked petrified.

"They're coming to help us!" Someone yelled.

"I hope they have shampoo," a girls voice sounds.

"Ugh can you not be dumb for one second!" I groaned.

"We should get moving," Clarke informs everyone. I make my way over to her.

With his arms across his chest, Bellamy stated. "No ones going anywhere. Now while it's dark. It isn't safe."

"We can't just let the grounders get there first." I said, comprising my arms over my chest.

"Don't worry, princess. We'll head out at first light." He smirked. "Pass the word." He ordered to the other boys surrounding.

"I'll go now then in a small group. Goodbye Bellamy." I stated before turning on my heel and leaving.

He grabs my arm roughly and tugs me around.

"Get off me!" I spat out.

"I said we wait until sunrise." He snapped. I punched him in the face with my free arm. He released me and stumbled back.

"I said get off me." I spat out. "I thought we were equals, apparently not."

"Remember that you'll always be second in command to me, Liv." Bellamy stated coldly. He walked past me and out of the camp.

"Fuck sake! Miller get me a weapon now please!" I shouted.

"Ok," Miller said before jogging off to get a weapon. He returns a few minutes later with a homemade dagger.

"What do you need it for?" He asked.

"I'm going to the drop ship. No way am I letting Bellamy order me about and let the grounders get to it before us!" I sighed. "Goodbye Miller."

"Bell," I said as I walked into his tent. I was very surprised to see two girls half naked.

"Ever heard of knocking bitch!" One of the girls said.

"Ever heard of boob jobs? You should get one cause they're more saggy than my Nan." I fake smiled to her.

"Who do you think you are?" She said. "Slut."

"Oh that's it bitch!" I shouted. I went up to the girl and punched her nose and then threw her to the ground and started to kick her head in.

There was blood all over her face and she was sobbing but that just made me laugh.

"Your a fucking psycho. Get out!" She screamed.

"Whatever you want." I smirked, as I bowed. I then walked out but not before grabbing Bellamy's spare dagger.

"Hey sis!" My brother shouted, jogging over. "Where you going?"

"I'm going after the drop ship. Don't stop me." I stated.

"I wasn't gonna. Can I join?" He asked.

"Come on then little bro. Family bonding trip." I smirked. He laughed. I handed him the dagger Miller gave me.

"Your gonna need this bro," I said. "Letssss gooo!" I started to skip over to the wall as Riley followed.

I haven't written in a week because I had a case of writers block but I made it in time for my usual weekly update! This is a filler. It's leading up to the middle of my story now. 😘 Thanks for reading this story.

Edited: No

Anyways buh-baiiii 😘




Word count: 917

My Princess » Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now