Chapter 16: Who Killed Wells? Part 1

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The next morning me and Charlotte are out helping build the wall. I take a glance over my shoulder to check on Bellamy.

Bellamy looks over to me and I quickly turn around, biting my lips. Awkward!

"You like Bellamy?" Charlotte asked.

"God no he's a cocky ass. He cares for his family though which makes him decent and he has never killed which makes him untainted. I admire that about him." I smiled.

"Ahhh you admire me." Bellamy said emerging from behind me.

"I take that back, he's more annoying than Murphy." I laugh as I look over to Bellamy.

Behind him the boy who tried to... do despicable things to me was glaring at me. My eyes widen and my breath hitches.

Bellamy and Charlotte catch on and look over to him. Charlotte doesn't know what happened but Bellamy knows what he did because he saved me.

"I'm gonna sit for a minute. I'm feeling tired." I smiled then turned and headed to a log sitting on it.

Not long after Bellamy follows after me. "Hey calm down, your safe around me. I won't let him get you again. I promise!" Bellamy stated.

"Ok, please don't tell anyone about my moment of weakness." I said.

"You were not weak. You almost got deflowered." Bellamy stated, before he finished I started laughing.

"Deflowered! Aha!" I burst out laughing. "Out of all the words. But honestly it's fine to say the word. Rape. I almost got raped. Can I tell you a secret?" I asked calming down.

"Yeah sure." Bellamy smiled. I cupped my hands over his ear and whispered to him. "I'm a virgin. It would have been the first time. I guess it's just my luck to get a bad experience out of everything in life. Kind of like our backwards friendship."

I pull away and Bellamy stared at me wide eyed. "What about your first kiss? Was that good or bad?" He asked.

"It was that Nathan guy and he was a mistake I was just upset I guess." I laugh a little.

"Forget he was your first. It's not like it was memorable or that night." Bellamy stated.

"It was a memorable night. I met my brother and me and you watched the stars. It was a great night for me aside from my first kiss being shit." I chuckled.

"Don't worry it won't be your last kiss as long as your last is memorable and amazing it will be great." He smiled.

"Your dimples are adorable! Unfortunately your ugly." I smirked.

"I'm offended!" Bellamy stated, feigning a hurt expression. "I'll get you back though."

"No bell!" I shout. I jump up but it's no use as Bellamy pulls me back down and starts tickling me. "No!!! I'm sorryyy!!!! Your hideous I mean nice!!!"

"Say Bellamy is sexy." He smirked.

"No... WaAaY!! fine!!!! Bellamy is sexy!!" I shouted. He finally stopped tickling me. "Keep wishing Bell." I said before running away quickly to Charlotte.

My Princess » Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now