Chapter 24: Finding Ovtavia Part 3:

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"They're playing with us," Finn said as he turned to face the group.

"She only came because of me," Bellamy said as he closed her eyelids.

"They can kill us whenever they want." Finn hissed.

"Then they should get it over with!" Jasper screamed.

Four of us began to rush over to Jasper. "Come on! We know your out there! You want to kill us!" Jasper squawked.

"Stop Jasper!" I hissed as we tried to calm him down but it was too late.

"Bellamy..." the girl trailed off. We all looked in her direction to see loads of grounders coming out of hiding.

"They're coming," I breathed out. The grounders began to sprint in our direction and I'm about to fucking sprint the other way! Jk. Sort of.

A horn sounded in the distance, the grounders started to retreat.

"They're leaving," Bellamy frowned.

"That horn," Jasper murmured. "What does it mean?"

What does it mean? The last time I heard it was....

"Acid fog," I said wide eyed.

Finn began to open his pack and pull out a parachute. "Oh no I'm not going in there!" I hissed.

"We have to run," a girl said. I nodded my head violently.

"Mhm," I said as I looked around. "I'll see you later!"

I began to run away in the grounders direction but an arm wrapped around my waist and picked me up.

"I'm not dying with you! Put me down!" I moaned.

"Don't be stupid, Princess." Bellamy whispered as he pulled me under the parachute with everyone else.

"How long are we supposed to wait?" Jasper asked.

"Octavia is out there. The fog hasn't even begun to roll in so I bet it was fake." I sighed.

"Will this even work?" A girl asked, ignoring my question.

"We'll find out," Finn said.

"No we won't. Princess is right." Bellamy stated as he pulled up the parachute and made his way out.

I followed after to see there's no fog whatsoever. "No fog," I smirked. The sky was blue as usual.

"Maybe it was a false alarm," Finn concluded.

"They're coming back," Bellamy stated. I looked up to see one person shooting through the trees.

"I think his alone," I whispered, glancing around for more.

"Now can we run?" A girl asked.

"He doesn't see us. I'm going after him." Bellamy breathed out.

"I'm going with you," I smiled softly as I stepped forward. Bellamy smiled back and covered it up with a cough.

"Let's go then," he said as we began to follow him.

Soon enough we reached a cave where the grounder went in. We went in as Bellamy peered his head round the corner.

"Bellamy?" Octavia' voice sounded.

"Octavia," Bellamy breathed out as he rushed over and pulled her into a hug.

"Get the key!" Octavia whispered as she held out a small key.

"Monroe, watch the entrance. It's ok. You're ok." Bellamy instructed as he began to free Octavia.

"How did you find me?" Octavia asked, grinning as she got up.

She limped over to me and I pulled her into a hug. "We followed Mr grounder here." I said as I pointed down at the unconscious grounder lying on the floor.

"We should go now before he wakes," Octavia said as she pulled away.

"He's not gonna wake up," Bellamy stated as he grabbed a spear.

"Bellamy stop." Octavia pleaded, tugging at Bellamy's arm. "He didn't hurt me. Let's just go."

Bellamy kept his grip on the spear as he looked down at the grounder. "They started this."

"Finn move," Bellamy ordered but Finn didn't. I moved over to Finn to see him tracing his fingers along some sort of markings on a horn.

"Is that..." I trailed off.

"Foghorn," Finn breathed out. "He's the one who blew it."

"Bellamy he helped us. Don't do this." I pleaded.

I heard a plunging sound. I spun around quickly to see the grounder had stabbed a dagger into Finn's side.

"Ho... shit!" I gasped as I backed away pulling out my weapon. Bellamy rushed over to the grounder and started to fight with him.

Me, Octavia and Jasper rushed over to Finn as Octavia wrapped her hands around the dagger, ready to pull it out.

"Don't pull it out," I said quickly in panic. "I'm not a doctor but I'm pretty sure if we pull it out of him he'll bleed more."

"She's right," my brother cut in as he came over and crouched down beside us.

Behind us there was a thud. I turned around to see the grounder had Bellamy pinned down to the ground with a spear directly aimed at Bellamy's throat.

"Stop!" Octavia screamed. "That's my brother!"

I looked around quickly in search of something to see a rock but before I could get to it my brother had gotten there and bashed it off the grounders skull.

"Holy motherfucking shit!" I gasped. "You stole my idea."

Riley helped Bellamy up, "we need to get Finn out of here now!" Riley ordered.

I nodded and ordered some of the teens to carry Finn back to camp as I helped Octavia, since she had an injured leg and a limp.


Edited: No

Sorry about the lack of updates but I have a schedule now. Every 2 weeks there will be a new chapter.

The reason for this is simply I'm writing 9 different stories including this and it's difficult to keep up with weekly updates for all of them so this is every 2 weeks like my Jeremy Gilbert fic.

Anyways buh-baiiii 😘




Word count: 935

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