Chapter 21: The Flares

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Reyna's POV:

The rocket flares red into the sky as I stand staring at them. I take a deep breathe. I hope that The Ark sees the flares because if not...

300 innocent people dead...

"Do you think you can wish on this kind of shooting star?" Clarke said from beside me.

"What?" Bellamy said from the other side. Shittt he is beside me...

"Forget it..." Clarke said.

"I hope you can." I muttered.

"What would you even wish for?" Bellamy asked. I turned to walk away but Bellamy pulled me back and I fell into his chest.

"Ouch! What do you want?" I asked.

"I want to talk about earlier on." He said.

"Well there's nothing to talk about. Goodnight Bell." I said. He pulled me back again.

"You go back to your latest conquest of Blondes Blake and leave me alone, yeah?" I said then walked away disappearing into the group of teens.

Bellamy stood there completely bewildered.

Bellamy's POV:

"You should go for it," Clarke whispered to me. I frowned. "You like her don't you so go for it."

"No we're going through a rough patch in our friendship." I stated.

"Why? What happened?" Clarke asked.

"Earlier on when we were just heading back to camp to make the flares... She kissed me and when I tried to say something she ran off to her brother." I explained.

"She must like you to have kissed you." Clarke said.

"No because if she did she would have just said it. We're close enough for her to tell me." I stated.

"Well maybe she's confused." Clarke replied.

"No because at first I was confused and then I rejected some girl and then I realised. I do have feelings for Reyna but it hurts when she treats me like I'm not there anymore." I said.

"Well that's the same with me and Riley." Clarke said. "He knows I slept with Finn and he's ignoring me now. It made me realise just how much I want him to be in my life."

"Riley as in Reyna's brother..." I said chuckling. "We're bonding over the Martin siblings. What a weird world."

"What are they doing to us?" Clarke questioned chuckling. "I just hope Riley speaks to me soon, and I hope you and Reyna sort things out."

I nodded. "Have you seem Octavia? I need to speak to her." I asked. Clarke shook her head to say no. "Alright I'm gonna go find her, I'll see you later."

I went out to find O. I hope she's okay. First up the tents then the butterfly field. I started off from the drop ship searching then I made my way through the tents.


Edited: No

This is a filler guys. I know annoying but I just wanted to make a friendship Bellarke scene happen. Also I wanted to put a seperate chapter of finding Octavia because it's quite long.

A few more chapters left now until this first book is finished. In 2 weeks I'm going to start writing book 2 ready for it to be published when this one ends.

When do you think Reyna and Bellamy will reveal their feelings for each other?

Anyways buh-baiiii 😘




Word count: 543

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