Chapter 34: I'm lightly buzzed

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"You look like your having fun Princess." Bellamy chuckled from behind me rubbing his neck nervously. "Can we talk?"

"I'm not a Princess," I muttered in my drunken state. "I'm a Queen."

"Oh really?" He chuckled. "And who's your King?"

"Who says a Queen has to have a King?" I said, my words coming out like I was being judgy.

"Surely the Queen wants to be loved somewhere inside of her lonely heart." Bellamy retorted.

"Maybe she doesn't believe in love."

"Maybe she doesn't know what she wants," Bellamy said.

"Maybe the future is an uncertain place and lacks reliable people." I said as I walked away over to a tree, Bellamy following behind.


"Maybe my life is too confusing." I mumbled. "I don't think we should speak Bellamy."

"What?" Bellamy asked, his eyes widening.

"I need time to think," I sighed. "And you mess with my head."

"Hey have you told her about the grounder's yet?" Jasper asked as he came over.

"What about the grounder's?" I asked, feeling slightly more sobered up.

"Clarke, Octavia and Finn are going to try and make a peace treaty with the grounder's and if anything goes wrong me, Bellamy and Raven are going to be hiding close behind with guns to protects them but we can't tell Finn." Jasper revealed.

"I'm in."

"I thought you said you didn't want to be around me." Bellamy muttered.

"If Octavia is there then I'm there." I glared at him. "I won't let my friends get hurt. Why do you think I stayed behind for Jasper when the grounder's were chasing us?"

Bellamy stayed quiet as Jasper looked at us both weirdly.

"Great then its settled. Let's get Raven and head off."

"Your drunk," Bellamy sighed.

"I'm lightly buzzed. Nothing I can't handle though. I'm gonna get Raven." I said as I ran over to her but to my dismay was stopped by my brother.

"Your going too?" He asked.

"Yeah. Why? Gonna tell me I'm drunk too? That I need to stay behind?"

"I was just gonna say take care," he said chuckling. "And I'm sorry about the other day."

"Yeah..." I sighed. "I'm not apologising. It feels rude to apologise."

"You punched me," he laughed.

"You deserved it. You was being a little bitch." I said laughing.

"Rude," he said nudging me.

"Oh I gotta run." I said quickly as I glanced behind to see Raven holding two guns.

"Bye." Riley said as he walked away.

I ran over to Raven to see her smiling at me. "Hey, there you are!" She let out a laugh. "Didn't know if you were coming."

"Of course I am. I'm a perfect shot." I chuckled.

"I've heard."


Edited: No

Sorry this is so weird to write cause my head is all over the place at the moment with school plus I'm sick 😷

I'm thinking of having Raven and Reyna as the 'R' squad 😂

I'll try and write as much as possible but I have to update 7 other stories a week too and one draft that's in draft which will be coming out in November/ December time 🤷🏽‍♀️💕

Thanks to this fabulous person I had the idea to write the whole queen part 😫💕 Thank you your my inspiration 👸🏽

Chapter dedicated to SupernaturalFanatic8 and @llamacornsbestie who has also been voting and reading ❤️ it's appreciated.

Anyways buh-baiiii 😘




Word count: 568

My Princess » Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now