Chapter 12: Acid fog And Nightmares

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For a while we walk, finding the other just as a horn echoes throughout the forest.

I turn around to see a yellow fog moving our way rapidly. It makes a sizzling noise.

"What the hell is that?" Bellamy asked, pointing to the yellow fog now covering the forest. I grab Charlottes hand and pull her away as we all start to run.

Bellamy grabs my arm and pulls me and Charlotte along with him. We hear a loud scream from behind us.
"Run! Now get somewhere safe!" Bellamy shouts. He yells at the group as he leads us away with him.

"This way!" He yells, pulling us into a cave. We walk down the small opening.

"Are you alright?" He asks us. Charlotte nods.

"Are you?" I asked concerned. He nods in response. All of a sudden Charlotte pulls Bellamy in for a hug. For a moment he looks unsure but then he wraps his arms around her.

"We should stay here till the fog clears up." Bellamy stated. Me and Charlotte nod in agreement.

A few minutes later, Bellamy and Charlotte had made a place to sleep using their coats as blankets.

Unfortunately I didn't bring my coat because I left it on the drop ship. I lay down on the floor and began to draw patterns on the floor. Charlotte was now fast asleep and Bellamy probably was too. I fell into a sleep.

I jolted awake, my hands shaking. I tried to steady my breath so didn't wake anyone up.

"Hey, you ok?" Bellamy asked. I turned around to face him as I sat up leaning against the wall of the cave.

"Fine," I said, taking a deep breath.

"You... you have a..." Bellamy pointed towards my face. I felt my eyes were wet. I used my top to wipe my eyes.

"Why were you crying? Nightmare?" He asked.

"Isn't everyone plagued by nightmares?" I sighed.

"Is it because you have killed?" Bellamy asked, as he sat up and moved over to me.

"No," I said. I pulled the right side of my top up a bit and the right side of my jeans down revealing a scar on my hip.

Bellamy put his hand on my hip, tracing his thumb along the scar.
"How did you get this?" He asked.

"I don't want to talk about it, Bell." I said. Swatting his hand away and pulling my jeans over the scar and my top down over it.

"Ok, you cold?" He asked. I nodded. "Come here." He moved right by me and put his jacket over us.

"I don't get you." I said. Bellamy frowned. "Well one minute your a dick and then your caring. I just don't get it."

"I'm sorry for making the wrong impression. I didn't mean to spread rumours about you, it was just Murphy saw me carrying you to a tent and asked what happened. He assumed I got some action and I just went along with it. I didn't know he would tell everyone." Bellamy stated, stuttering a bit.

"Cute, he stutters when he's nervous." I chuckled. Bellamy smiled. "Oh and he has dimples!" I gasped.

"So do you dumbass!" He stated.

"But your so uptight and serious. You never smile so I only just realised you have dimples!" I smirked. "Now hush and let me get some sleep!"

"Fine princess." He said. I lay down on my side facing away from Bellamy. He wraps his arm around me and hugs me. I slowly fall into a peaceful sleep.

"Aghhhh!" Charlotte gasped, jumping up from her sleep. Bellamy gets up and goes over to her. I jump up and follow after.

"I'm sorry," she sniffles sitting up.

"Does it happen often? What are you scared of? You know what? It doesn't matter." Bellamy stated. "What matters is what you do about it."

"But I'm sleeping." Charlotte said confused.

"Fears are fears. Slay your demons when your awake, they won't be there to get you in your sleep." He explained. I smile at his softness towards the child.

"Yeah...but how?" She asked softly.

"Down here you can't afford to be weak. Down here weakness is death. Fear is death." Bellamy explains. "Here let me see that knife I gave you."

Charlotte fumbles around trying to find the knife, when she finds it she hands it to Bellamy.

"Now when you feel afraid, hold tight to that knife and say 'Screw you I'm not afraid!' Ok?"

He hands her the knife back, she closes her eyes tightening her grip around her around the knife. "Screw you in not afraid." She opens her eyes looking to Bellamy in approval. He nods at her. This time she has her eyes open, "Screw you I'm not afraid!"

He smiled softly at her, and ruffling her hair. "Slay your demons, kid. Then you'll be able to sleep at night."

After we go to lie back down. A couple of minutes later we hear Charlottes breath slow down until she's sleeping soundly.

I turn around to face Bellamy. "It's nice what you did there for Charlotte."

He smiled at me. "I'm not always bad."

"I know that." I said smiling as I grab his hand and rub the back of it. "Goodnight Bell." I said before I drift off to a peaceful sleep.

Heya so I hope you liked this chapter. I changed it a bit so she has a nightmare as well as Charlotte. Hopefully the story comes together in time and Bellamy and Reyna finally kiss before the mountain men take my precious baby's!!!!! 🤗
I'm on holiday again so I only get wifi in the club house will post their though. 🌸

Well anyway I have another account and I want it for writing fan fictions. It's going to be a joint acc so if anyone wants in message me and I will pick 3 or 4 people. Aka editor, writers and cover maker.

Edited: No

Anyways buh-baiii 😘



Word count: 1003

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