Chapter 33: Happy Unity Day

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Everyone was silent in the camp, sitting and listening to Jaha make a speech over the communication system.

I sat on a log, chewing at my nail as my nerves got the best of me. Bellamy wanted to speak to me alone, no doubt about the kiss.

The way he walked out after the kiss we shared made me feel like it was a mistake but a part of me knew it was the right thing. Part of me wanted him to be the other half of me.

Most of Jaha's speech had been drowned out by my nerves, the only thing that brought me back to reality was Jasper yelling.

"Woo! Yeah!" Jasper changed as he came up beside me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, holding a cup in his hand. "Monty strikes again! Hey! Calls this batch unity juice! Who's thirsty?"

I let out a laugh, finally some alcohol. Alcohol might not make my problems go away but it will sure as hell let me relax.

"Me," I nodded bracing myself as Jasper looked at me surprised.

"Alright princess, drink up." Jasper chuckled, handing me the cup.

Everyone surrounded with a cup in their hands and began to drink. They all rejoiced in happiness.

At least we're all getting one night to enjoy ourselves and destress before everything becomes hectic once again.

I placed my lips on the edge of the cup, lifting up as the liquor poured down my throat, emptying the cup quickly.

"To our sons and daughters on Earth listening to this message, we will see you soon. The first Exodus ship will launch in under sixty hours, carrying you the reinforcements that you need, so stay strong." Jaha announced.

"Happy Unity Day!"


Edited: No

I know, :( another filler but trust me im making longer chapters to make up for it 💕 I'm a bit iffy with this chapter but I decided to add more detail in because I realised I don't do a lot of describing.

When I finish I want to re-edit this book so I am correct mistakes, fix any plot holes and add more description.

Anyways buh-baiiii 😘




Word count: 400

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