Chapter 5: Jasper

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After more hiking, the six of us make our way down a steep hill, still trying to find our way to Mount Weather.

"How you know what I'd like to know?" Finn muses glancing at all of us before sliding off the hill, me right behind him. "Why send us back today? After ninety seven years what's changed?"

"Who cares? I'm glad they did. I woke up in a rotting cell and now, I'm swinging in a forest," Octavia swings on a tree, but frowns when she doesn't catch Finn's attention.

"Maybe they found something on a satellite," Monty pitches. "You know, like an old weather satellite or..."

Clarke cuts in. "The Ark is dying," I stop walking at her words. Did she seriously just say The Ark is dying? As in dead? "At the current population level, there's roughly 3 months of life support, maybe 4 now that we're gone."

Finn quickens his pace, making his way beside Clarke. "So that was the secret they locked you up to keep, why they locked you in solitary and, floated your old man?" Finn questions.

Clarke stays silent for a moment before explaining, "My father was the engineer who discovered the flaw. He thought the people had a right to know. The council disagreed. My mother disagreed. They were afraid it would cause a panic. We were gonna go public, anyways, when Wells..."

"What?" Finn questioned, before putting the pieces together. "Turned in your dad?"

"Anyway, the guard showed up before we could. That's why today. That's why it was worth the risk. Even if we all die, at least they all bought themselves more time." Clarke stated avoiding Finn's question.

"They're gonna kill more people aren't they?" Finn asks suddenly.

Octavia's voice sounds.
"Good. After what they did to me, I say, float them all." She then makes her way to the front.

"You don't mean that." Jasper says to her, quickly following after her, leaving Finn, Monty, Clarke and I.

Glancing at Clarke and me, Finn states, " We have to warn them."

"That's what my father said," Clarke  murmurs before turning around and following after Jasper and Octavia, only to run into Jasper's back.

"Oh damn, I love earth." Jasper sighs looking off.

Octavia stands in her underwear and tank top on the edge of a small cliff. She suddenly dives into the water below.

"Oh, Holy, Octavia! What the hell are you doing," Clarke yells trying to stop her. "Octavia we can't swim!"

"I know but we can stand." She stays in the water pushing her hair back.

"Wait. There's not supposed to be a river here," Clarke points out looking at it confused.

Finn grins at her,stating, "Well, there is. So, take off your damn clothes!"

Clarke cracks a smile. I start to pull my jacket off until I notice something moving in the water towards Octavia.

"Octavia get out of the water!" Jasper shouts, his eyes wide and locked on the thing lurking in the water. "Get out of the water now?"

Octavia let's out a scream as she is ripped under the water's surface.

"Octavia!" I shout as I run to the water, bending down to the surface. I push a boulder in the water which causes the creature to let her go. As it swims over to where the boulder is, me and Jasper run over to Octavia and pull her up out of the water and onto the shore.

"It's coming back!" Clarke states, Jasper's eyes widening.

There was a huge gash on Octavia's leg. I ripped of a piece of my shirt and tied it around Octavia's leg, to stop the blood flow.

"Thank you." Octavia whispers as she pulls me in for a hug.

"No problem," I smile at Octavia, pulling away from the hug. "Jasper helped also." I glance over to Jasper and smirk.

"Thank you Jasper." Octavia said, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She pulls Jasper in for a hug too.

"Note to self, save the girl next time." Monty grins. Everyone chuckles at Monty's little remark.

I smiled. At least we're okay.

I wrote six chapters in one day but I've posted them all at different times so sorry if that's confusing. It's just if I get writers block I want to be able to post still until I watch the show to get more ideas. 🙂 Also... Season 4 came out and it's amazing. I'm so proud of Bellamy and Octavia for staying alive 🤗 Also Jasper and Monty plus Clarke. 🤓 Anyways buh-baiii gorgeous 😘

Sorry for not updating I have been on holiday and there was nothing no damn wifi. 😂

Edited: No




Word count: 791

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