Chapter 27: Welcome To The Torture Chambers

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"Hey tie him! Tie him! Last thing we need is this bastard escaping because you screwed up!" Bellamy ordered.

Octavia spotted the grounder with his arms extended and shackled up, a horrified expression on her face.

"Octavia, get out of here!" Bellamy ordered.

"I told you, he was protecting me. You didn't have to do this." Octavia pleaded.

"This isn't about you, I'm doing this for all of us." Bellamy said

"Bellamy, don't!" I glared. "You'd do anything for Octavia. This is for her because this man," I pointed at the grounder. "He took your sister and you were worried sick and now you want revenge."

Octavia glanced at Lincoln's bloody and bruised face, then back to her brother once again.

"You did that for all of us?" Octavia asked as she looked at the grounder. "Or is Reyna right? If she is then let him go, for me."

"I did that," he spat out, pointing at the grounder. "For Finn and Jasper and John and Diggs and Roma."

"It wasn't him though," I sided with Octavia.

"You don't know that! We need to know what we're up again. How many there are and why they're killing us. And he's gonna tell us right now." Bellamy yelled. "One minute your helping me carry him upstairs and the next your siding with my sister to release him."

"I wasn't thinking straight. I was pissed and wanted to get away from you." I said. "The only difference now in that statement is I am thinking straight."

"Well we need answers! And I will get them out of him one way or another!" Bellamy shouted.

"No, Bellamy, please!" Octavia pleaded but it was no use.

Bellamy's mind was set on it and there was no changing his mind. The one thing that's the same between the Blake siblings is their stubbornness.

"Drew, Miller take her downstairs." Bellamy ordered. "And her" he added on pointing me.

Drew and Miller grabbed Octavia but she wrestled herself free.

"Get-get off of me!" Octavia spat out. "I don't even think he speaks English, he won't understand you."

Octavia made her own way down the stairs. Drew and Miller then made their way over to me.

"Oh I think he will." Bellamy said raising his eyebrow.

I pulled out my dagger, swinging it around a little to scare them then holding it by Drew's neck.

"Touch me, and trust me when I say it won't be the dagger ripping your throats open... it'll be my teeth." I threatened as I clenched my teeth.

Out of nowhere the drops ship gets hit by the storm and I get hurled against the wall with my dagger flying straight into my arm.

"Drew, Miller." Check downstairs now!" Bellamy ordered.

"Reyna!" Bellamy called out in a worried tone. He rushed over to me and looked at my arm.

"Don't act like you care. If you did you would let the grounder go. The thing about revenge is there is no winner." I said gritting my teeth.

"Stop being so wise," Bellamy said as he rolled his eyes, placing his hand on the dagger. "I'm going to pull it out on the count of three."

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