Chapter 7: Under the stars.

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We stopped for a five minute rest, after we immediately began working on finding a way to cross the stream, without being killed by a man eating water snake thing.

"Reyna, would you go back to camp with Octavia?" Clarke asked.

"But i need to stay with you guys." I said hesitantly.

"Please. She is injured and can't go back alone." Clarke stated.

"Fine, Octavia?" I asked. Octavia nodded, so I helped her up and we headed back to camp.

As it got darker it began to rain. We were just arriving at the camp now.
Bellamy ran over with a boy beside him. The boy had green eyes and light brown hair. He resembled me. They lead Octavia over to a log and sat her down. I took a seat next to her.

"I knew I shouldn't have let you out of the camp." Bellamy muttered.

"I'm fine. Thanks to Jasper and... Oh my god I don't know your name! I'm so sorry!" Octavia gasped.

"It's fine," I chuckled. Bellamy smirked.

"Your bleeding," the guy stated as he grabbed my wrist. "I'll help. I've always wanted to be a doctor, I guess that's why I trained to become one."

"Riley!" I gasped. I cured his face and stroked his cheek. Bellamy looked a bit jealous.

"How do you know my name?" Riley asked. His green eyes became glossed.

"Riley..." before I could finish, I was picked up and twirled around in the air. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. I started to cry into his chest. He put me down and pulled away.

"Don't cry Rey, I'm here now!" Riley stated as he pulled me in for another hug.

"How do you two know each other?" Bellamy asked. Octavia chuckled at her brother.

"This is my sister." Riley said as he pulled away. I wiped away my tears.

"Love is weakness," I whispered to myself as I pulled myself together.

"Wow warrior princess, is your sister! Damn!" Bellamy chuckled.

I glared at him. "I don't like it when you call me princess, you dick!" I stated.

Riley chuckled. "Already on her bad side Bellamy. Damnnn!"

"I'm gonna go find a hot guy for me to... well you don't wanna know." I chuckled.

"Ewwww sis!" Riley fake gagged. Octavia laughed as she hit him round the head.

"Owww!" He exclaimed. Octavia just laughed at him even more.

I walked over to a hot guy. "Name? Age?" I asked.

"Nathan, 17, why?" He asked. I smirked at him, biting my lip.

I pulled him away with me into the forest, behind a tree. "You want some fun?" I asked.

"Sure." He said, amused. The rain stopped now.

I pushed him against the tree and started to kiss him. He switched sides and I was now against the tree. Nathan pulled up my arms and pulled the top over my head. He grabbed my thigh and pulled me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Ahem!" A masculine voice sounded, as he fake coughed. Nathan let go and turned around.

Stood there was Bellamy. "What do you want Bell?" I asked. Bellamy arched his brow.

"Bell?" He asked. "Anyway what's going on?"

"You know what's going on, and Octavia and Riley. Duh!" I said in a bored tone. Bellamy eyed my chest area.

"Pervert! My eyes are up here!" I shouted at Bellamy as I grabbed my top and put it over my head. I picked up my jacket and put it on.

I walked past Bellamy, knocking into him purposely. He grabbed my wrist and pulled my back.

"Let go!" I shouted angrily. Bellamy stared at me, anger in his eyes. "LET GO NOW!" I screamed as I pulled my hand away. I pulled my hand back and punched him in the jaw.

Bellamy stumbled backwards, he looked hurt and angry. "What the fuck was that for?" Bellamy shouted.

I ran away further into the woods. Once I figured I was far enough I leaned against a tree and slid down it.

I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. "Hey, I'm sorry." Bellamy' voice sounded. I looked up and saw him crouched down in front of me.

"Go away." I sighed, glaring at him.

"Love isn't weakness." Bellamy stated. I looked at him shocked.

"You heard that?" I asked. He nodded. "It is weakness. Down here you can't afford to be weak, and you can't dwell in the past if you want to survive. Our days may be numbered." I took a deep breath.

"I get that but he's your brother. Showing him affection doesn't make you weak. Apparently you killed someone. Did that make you feel strong? Do you feel better about it? No, because what you did was wrong." Bellamy glared.

"Don't act like you wouldn't have done it! If you thought they floated Octavia as well as your mother, you would have wanted revenge! I was out for blood and that's what I got!" I shouted.

"I'm sorry I didn't know." Bellamy whispered.

"It's fine, dick!" I chuckled. Bellamy picked me up, bridal style and started walking towards camp with me.

"We're going back to camp. We can get you a nice tent. Not as nice as mine." Bellamy chuckled.

"Wanna trade?" I asked. He shook his head grinning. "Fine! I'll get my revenge child." I laughed.

"Oh really?" He asked.

"You better sleep with one eye open, motherfucker!" I laughed. Bellamy put me on the floor.

"Hey!" I yell, laughing. Bellamy crouches down and starts tickling me.

"Noooo!!!!! Bell, Nooooo!" I screech, giggling uncontrollably. "Please, stop ill do anything!" He stopped, and started smirking evilly.

"Shit!" I gasped. "Aye dios mios!"

"Hot! You can speak Spanish." He smirked. "You say you'll do anything?"

I gulped. "Kiss me," Bellamy said smirking.

"No way!" I shout. I burst out laughing.

"Fine, you have to stop threatening me about my tent." He smirked.

"Ok fine!" I shout. He holds his hand out for me to get up. I pull him down and trip him up by the legs.

Bellamy goes flying down next to me on his chest. He lets out a groan, as he chuckles. He rolls onto his back and glances over to me. I smile and look up at the sky.

"To think we were up there and now we're down here, free." I smile, glancing over at Bellamy then back to the sky.

I feel him staring. "Stop staring!" I laugh. He pulls a puppy dog face, "but... it's romantic."

"It's creepy!" I chuckle. I feel Bellamy intertwine his fingers with mine, as he holds my hand. I smile at him.

I start to slowly drift off.

Come on how cute was that!! I mean they fell asleep looking at the stars! And she met her brother Riley!!!!!
I hope you guys liked.

I watched season 4 episode 5 of the 100 and img the feelsssss. I thought Octavia was dead and I thought Jasper was gonna die. 😭I legit criedddd.😭 I'm on holiday again so I only get wifi in the club house will post their though. 🌸

Well anyway I have another account and I want it for writing fan fictions. It's going to be a joint acc so if anyone wants in message me and I will pick 3 or 4 people. Aka editor, writers and cover maker.
Please VOTE



Anyways buh-baiii 😘

Word count: 1243

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