Chapter 5 - Sherwood

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They made their way into the vast expanse of Sherwood Forest. Not being familiar with the territory they were not sure how big the forest was, only that it was big. They rode throughout that first day, stopping in the evening to sleep under the Major Oak.

The next day they were continuing through the forest at a sedate pace. They came to a crossroads and heard, to their left, shrieks of terror. Without thinking about it Genie turned her horse to the left and galloped off. Anne called after her, to no avail.

Anne, Maddie, Catherine and Moira galloped after her. They were halted by Genie holding up a hand, her other hand was indicating that they should be quiet. They dismounted and, as quietly as possible, tied their horses to trees off of the road. Quietly, inch by inch, they moved forward. Coming around a sharp corner they could see an older man and woman under the watchful eye of a filthy man. 2 other men were rummaging through the items in the cart belonging to the old folks.

With hand signals Genie indicated that Anne and Maddie should slowly approach the man guarding the couple. She, Moira and Catherine stalked the other 2 men. All 5 of the women held their swords at their sides, so they would not be seen. When they were only a few feet from the men Genie shouted, "Ho there!" The highway robbers turned at the sound, surprised to be found out.

Upon seeing the women they sneered and snickered. The "leader" of the group, a man with a sharp face and greasy hair, said sarcastically, "Ladies. And how might I be of assistance?" He made a slight bow.

Genie said, her voice full of menace, said, "Leave these people alone. Or face the consequences."

The men laughed; the women took a step forward, raising their swords. This made the men laugh harder. 2 more forward steps put the women within an arm's length of the men. Suddenly the men stopped laughing. 5 swords were pointed directly at 3 chests.

Genie hissed, "I said leave them alone." For such a tiny woman she could turn a persons' blood to ice with her words. The men paled and held up their hands. "If I see you threatening anyone else in this forest you will die."

"Shoo! Off with you," Anne said menacingly as she took a lunge forward. All three men dropped their booty and turned to flee.

The elderly couple looked at the women, terror on their faces. Moira sheathed her sword and approached them, speaking as she would to a spooked horse. "It's alright, we are here to help. I am Moira." Pointing to each of the women, she continued, "and that is Genie, and Anne, and Maddie and Catherine. Come now, we mean you no harm." She reached forward and rubbed her hand up and down the woman's' arm.

The man stated, matter-of-factly, "You are women."

The 5 looked at each other and grinned.

"Indeed, sir. Now, are either of you injured?" She asked, handing over her water skin.

The woman took the proffered water and said, "No dear. Those men did not cause us any harm." Moira led the couple to their cart and bid them sit.

Genie asked if they could be of more assistance and upon being told that the couple were fine, suggested to her compatriots that they continue down the road to ensure that the bandits were well and truly on their way.

They retrieved their horses and mounted, setting the horses to a trot. Genie scouted ahead, while the other 4 kept a lookout into the forest.

"Stop," Genie said abruptly.

Ahead in the road, blocking the way, were 4 mounted men. Anne recognized the 3 brigands who had attempted to rob the old couple. With them was a younger man who spurred his horse forward. He smiled broadly at the women. "Ladies," he bowed in his saddle, "it is a great honour to meet you. I understand that you scared off my men." He sneered and looked back at his 3 henchmen. "Perhaps I should hire you instead." He laughed, "Who would have thought my men would be frightened off by such wee things as you."

The oldest of the 3 men snorted, trying to protest. "Shut up Turner!" This young man sat tall in the saddle, he had blond hair cropped close to his head. He was handsome, in a foppish manner, with a perfectly oval face, piercing green eyes and a fine beard on his chin.

"Tell me, ladies. Why are you interrupting my enterprise?"

"Enterprise?" Anne looked at him with disdain. "Robbing old people is now an enterprise? You disgust me!" The young man looked at her contemptuously. "You should be ashamed-"

"Woman! Hold your tongue!" He shouted, unsheathing his sword. Maddie took her bow from her back and notched an arrow. She pointed it at the young man. "Oh dear. Pretty girl, what are you going to do with that bow?" he asked, with what appeared to be his regular sneer.

"I will put an arrow through your forehead," Maddie said simply. She raised the bow and aimed the arrow directly at him.

He looked at her curiously, trying to decide if he should believe her or not. As if she could read his mind, Anne said, "She can and will do it." The man glanced at Anne, who had taken out her sword. He looked confused, he was surprised to see these women handling weapons as if they were extensions of themselves.

"Now, what would you like to do?" Genie asked.

The man quickly leaned forward into his horses' neck and spurred the beast forward. Maddie loosed her arrow, but missed the man by mere inches. As he rode past Catherine he lashed out, pushing her from her saddle. She hit the ground, the air forced out of her lungs. Maddie quickly notched another arrow and sent it into the centre of the older mans' chest. He had a brief moment of astonishment before he fell from his horse.

Genie engaged the bandit on the right of the older man, while Anne fought with the other. She swung her sword at him, sending him off balance and onto the ground. Anne dismounted from her horse in one fluid motion and approached the man. He regarded her warily, sweat starting on his forehead. Anne moved forward, never removing her eyes from him. Stealthily she continued, her face a mask of impassivity.

At the same time, Genie was charging at her opponent. She swung her sword, aiming directly for his head. He dodged the assault and, remaining in his saddle, turned his horse to face her. In his saddle and mounted on his larger horse, he towered over Genie by almost a foot. Normally this would be an advantage, but Genie was quick. She made a pass by, and stabbed out with her sword. It was a barely perceptible attack. Once again, the opponents turned their horses to face off. The horse took a few tentative steps forward when the man suddenly stooped forward and fell face first into the dirt. He reached under his armpit, pulled out his blood covered hand and looked up at Genie. He gurgled his final word, "How..."

4 women circled around Anne and her opponent. "We have you surrounded," she said. "I would suggest you drop the sword and stay alive." The man looked around, his eyes growing wide. He threw down his sword and sat on the ground. "Wise choice."

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