Chapter 26 - Under Watch

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Catherine knocked on the door of Rose's chamber. As she waited for a response she could hear voices and the sounds of people scurrying in the room.

The door swept open to find Mathilda in the doorway.

"Ah, Lady Catherine, how lovely to see you. How can I help you?"

Catherine tried to get a glimpse into the room, but Mathilda had the door open only as much as was necessary. "I have come for my walk with Lady Rose." She smiled.

"Lady Rose is inconvenienced today."

"Is she all right?" Cat tried to enter the room, but Mathilda stood firmly in the way. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"She only has the headache. She will be fine in a day or so, I am sure."

With that, Mathilda closed the door.

Catherine turned away, her thoughts visible on her face. 'This is my fault,' she thought. 'I pushed it too far with Arthur.' She made her way back to her rooms in the hope that Richard would still be there.


"Deborah, is Lady Catherine still here?" Richard was desperate to speak to her about what he had learned the day before. This damnable Abigail was constantly on watch and did her best to keep them apart.

"Miss Catherine has gone for her walk with Lady Rose."

At that moment Catherine bolted through the door and stopped quickly when she spied Richard. "Oh, thank God you are here!" She crossed the room and threw herself into his arms. "Rose! I think Bartholomew has done something to her!"

"Done something? What do you mean?"

"Oh Richard! I think I have messed the whole thing up!" With that she told Richard all that had happened the day before. "I think he may have beat her." She looked at Richard, her face pale, fear clearly there to see.

"Cat, we found out yesterday that Rose does not see Prince John; that Bartholomew forbids it." He pulled her down beside him on the settee. "I'm afraid we sent you on a wild goose chase."

She looked, horrified, at the floor. "Now I've put so many in danger." She looked at Richard, her breath coming ragged, "Rose, you, Sir Henry...and now Arthur and Constance! Oh my God, Richard! What am I going to do?" She was near hysterics.

Richard pulled her into his arms, "Shhhh, shhhhh, my darling." He smoothed her hair. "We will sort it all out. Father and Carson are working on it right now." He tightened his grip on her as she started to sob.


"The problem is, Carson, that Sheriff Vaisey of Nottingham has his own plans."

Carson and Henry were meeting to develop a new plan of action. Prince John had already provided them with an opportunity by agreeing to the Midsummer celebration, but Henry was concerned about alerting Vaisey to the goings on in London.

"We must ensure that he does not hear about the Prince's death before we can secure the regency for King Richard."

"It takes upwards of a sennight to ride to Nottingham; surely that is enough time to secure London..."

"A sennight, yes, if you are riding leisurely...I would think it could be done in 4 days if at speed." Henry sighed. "How many of the high council are 'agreeable' to our plans, do you think?"

"I would not risk the high council, my lord. I am sure we could count on a number of the nobles, but there is too much chance of even the smallest word being whispered in the wrong ear..."

"Then we must keep it between us. I would like Catherine to continue to instruct young Arthur; she is a surprisingly adept swordswoman. Bartholomew is undoubtedly going to continue his own lessons in order to weaken Arthur's abilities. Are you able to get a message to the boy's mother?"

"Yes, sir. That should not be a problem, but she too is watched closely."

"I suspect we all are going to be under increased scrutiny, Carson." Henry clapped a hand to Carson's shoulder. "We must all be on our guard. Constantly."

With that he left Carson to compose a note to Lady Constance and went off in search of Richard and Catherine.

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