Chapter 15 - Plans Afoot

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Later that afternoon, all involved in the plot had reconvened in the Great Hall.

Lord Bingham stood to address the assembly. "Gentlemen...gentlemen, please can I have your attention?" The men stopped talking, however Catherine, Anne and Genie continued their conversation. "Ladies," Bingham said, rolling his eyes.

"Ah, good afternoon my Lord," said Genie with a grin. Guy chuckled softly to himself, while Albert guffawed openly, earning a stern look from the Duke.

All eyes were focused on Lord Bingham; he regarded the assemblage with a sober countenance. "We have very little time to set in motion our plan to ensure the throne is kept safe for King Richard. The Germans have given a deadline for the ransom as early in the new year, thus we have, at the most, 8 months to complete our objective. We should focus our efforts on bringing down Prince John-"

"My Lord, pardon me," Guy stood up. "Pardon me for intruding, but we cannot focus solely on Prince John. The Sheriff of Nottingham is determined to take control of England from the Prince." All eyes were on Sir Guy. "His plan with the black knights was, in actual fact, to overturn the Prince." A gasp went around the room. "I have little doubt that he still intends to go through with those plans."

Albert looked at Guy and asked, "Are you privy to his intended method?"

"No, sir, not at this time. I am sure that he has adjusted his plans accordingly."

"Damn," the Duke ejaculated. "We have few enough resources as is..." he sighed.

From the middle of the U shaped table Sir Henry of Birtley stood. "My Lord, perhaps we can recruit new nobles in our cause." Sir Henry was a tall man with deep green eyes, a craggy face and a swath of honey coloured hair. As Prince John's Marshal Earl, he was in a unique position. The Prince thought that he was in Sunderland to keep an eye on the suspected revolutionaries, how surprised he would be to hear the truth. "We can send out carefully worded invitations to the nobles of other counties."

"Thank you Henry, while certainly a worthwhile idea, we simply do not have the time to engage and vet those who respond." Lord Bingham was eyeing Sir Henry's son. Richard of Birtley was acting as his fathers' squire. The young man was the spitting image of his father, although he was softer in face and quicker to smile. While admittedly, a few years beyond the standard age for a squire, he was determined to learn all he could. His goal was to prove himself to be as worthy a Marshal Earl for King Richard as his father.

Genie asked, "Sir Henry? Could you tell us about some of the people at court? There may be a way that we can use that information to our advantage."

"My dear, the number of people who attend court is innumerable. There are very few who have the nerve to help us. Most of them are too afraid to stand up and oppose the Prince, however they would be quick to shift their allegiance." He thought for a moment and continued, "Bartholomew-" at the mention of his name the Wayfarers all turned to look at him with revulsion, "is bringing his wife and daughter to court this season. The daughter is just like her father, but his wife...she is his second wife, promised to him by Harold the Bold. From what I have been told, she hates him."

The assemblage was quiet for a few moments.

"Bartholomew's wife hates him? We should be able to use that to our advantage." Anne was thoughtful. "What if someone were to befriend her?" Everyone was looking at her intently.

Genie was grinning, on the same wave length as her friend, "A new young lady at court, perhaps?" Anne nodded, smiling.

"Well, it won't be you," Guy snapped, looking at Genie. She glared at him. "No way!"

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