Chapter 31 - Midsummer Pt 1

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Archer spent that night roaming the halls of Nottingham castle. His mood ranged from burning anger to desperate sadness. Already questioning his purpose in the conspiracy, the death of Vincent had sent him over the edge....except he had no idea how to proceed. He knew that it was essential for Vaisey to be taken care of, but he was unsure if he could do it. He wanted to, oh how he wanted to be the one to kill him, but with no information from either London or Sunderland, he didn't know where he stood.

Eventually he made his way back to his rooms. As he entered a voice from the corner said, "I'm sorry about Vincent."

Archer jumped and drew his sword, shouting, "Who is there?"

Robin stepped from the shadows. Archer's shoulders shook, emotion pouring forth. Robin took him by the arm and led him to a chair at the table. He poured water into a tin cup and set it before Archer.

"What he did is untenable. He must pay for it."

Archer had his head buried in his arms, "I don't know what is happening!"

"What is happening? This has nothing to do with what is going on in London or Sunderland!"

Archer ran a hand over his face, "I know, but..."

"No but! We must take care of Vaisey! He is losing his mind. He is no longer just evil, he has become a madman!"

Archer got to his feet, the chair crashing to the floor. "I can't risk the plan! You," he pointed at Robin, "have no part in it. You have no idea how important it is!"

"I do. Sir Henry told me about it on his way to London. If they are taking care of Prince John, why can't we just take care of Vaisey on our own?"

Archer was surprised by this news, but more so by how Robin was unable to see the larger picture. "And if word gets to London before Prince John is dealt with? What then? Until we know what is happening there we have to try to keep Vaisey from killing...more..."

Robin leaned against the table, his arms across his chest, "I don't think you will be doing much more for Vaisey."

But Robin was wrong. When Archer went to the Great Hall later that morning, it was almost as if yesterday hadn't happened. As he trotted down the stairs Vaisey smiled up at him, "Ah Archer. Good morning." He rose from his chair and moved to the window, "A glorious morning, isn't it?"

Archer frowned, "Ahhh, yes Sheriff."

"So,, I want taxes collected." He turned from the window, arched a brow and flashed his false tooth, "Understood?"

"Yes, sir." Vaisey waved him away.

Archer rounded up his men and set off for Clun. During the whole ride, he felt eyes on him. Robin. He was sure that he would be hounded by him. He hardened his heart. Until he heard from the others, he would do what he needed to do to keep his cover.

With this new resolve, he and his men entered Clun. As he entered the village, he called out, "Tax collection!" People started to file out of their cottages and smiled as they saw Archer. They had heard about the goings on in Nottingham and had been afraid that he would have been replaced.

Archer remained in his saddle, turning to his second in command, he instructed him to collect the taxes. Archer remained on his horse, avoiding eye contact with the villagers. He scanned the trees for any sign of Robin and his men.

Day after day, Archer continued doing his duty. Day after day, Archer became more and more disheartened.


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