Chapter 19 - London

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Despite riding in the most luxurious coach she had ever seen, Catherine was tired of road travel. 300 miles was 300 miles. For someone who was used to being in the saddle and active a great deal of the time, a fortnight spent sitting on a bench, even with soft and well tufted squabs, was the height of tedium.

Thankfully, she had excellent company in the form of Richard of Birtley. They whiled their time playing cards on a small, foldable table set in the middle of the carriage and playing games of eye-spy and spot the landmark. They had plenty of books to read and found that they were conversant on a number of different topics. They were, in fact, becoming quite enamoured with each other. Unfortunately for Richard, and indeed for Catherine, there was constant vigilance on the part of Catherine's Abigail.

There were many things that Catherine was becoming accustomed to, but the lady's maid was something she was not sure she would ever get used to. 'Although,' she thought, 'it would be very difficult to tie this corset without her.' It was too bad that the woman had been assigned by Lady Bingham, she would have so preferred picking her own girl; someone with whom she could giggle and be herself . 'Oh well, I suppose Lady Bingham knows what she is on about.'

Lady Bingham did know what she was on about. She had chosen Catherine's companion very carefully. She wanted someone who had intimate knowledge of the goings on at court, but she also needed someone who could keep Catherine in line, should it be required. Little did the Lady know that it would, most definitely, not be required.

So, by the time the entourage arrived in London, they had stopped at approximately 18 Inns (Cat did not think that many could exist in all of England!), and 10 way-stops. Catherine was entirely finished with coach travel! She was determined that the return to Sunderland would be done directly on the back of a horse, thank you very much!

They arrived at the Tower of London, crossed the moat via the Middle Tower and continued down the palisade to enter the inner courtyard. Catherine had to admit that she was disappointed. It was not nearly as grand as she expected, although its gleaming white walls shimmered in the early summer sun.

The footman opened the door to the coach and, with a flourish, handed Catherine down. Upon exiting the coach, Richard put her arm through his and escorted her up the wooden staircase. She leaned into Richard and asked, "Why, in God's name, are the stairs made of wood?"

Richard pointed to the back of the steps, "See those latches?" Cat nodded. "They can be undone in case of invasion to keep people out."

"How very clever!"

The doors at the head of the stairs were thrown open and they were greeted by the major domo.

"Ah, Carson," exclaimed Richard, "how very good to see you again!"

"Squire Richard, it is indeed a pleasure." Carson bowed to the young man. He was genuinely pleased to see the lad, as he had always gone out of his way to assist where he could. He was sure that Richard would make a fine Lord someday. "Where, pray tell, is Lord Henry?"

"He will be along within a fortnight, I am sure. He is...uhhh...accompanying some goods to be delivered to our Prince." Richard turned to Cat in order to introduce her, "Carson, I am pleased to introduce you to my wife, Catherine of Carlisle. Catherine, my love, this is Carson. He is the Prince's major domo. Anything you need, he can acquire."

"Your wife? Well, congratulations sir." Carson bowed over Catherine's hand. "It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"And it is mine, as well, Carson." Cat nodded, acknowledging his importance in the household, however also recognizing that he is a servant. (She was quite getting the hang of this courtly silliness.)

"I am sure you are tired after your long journey. If you will follow me, I will show you to your rooms." They followed Carson up a central flight of stairs to a long gallery. At the end of the gallery were a collection of rooms reserved for members of court. With a smile, Carson said to Richard, "Now, sir, I understand why you have been moved to a new apartment."

Carson opened the door to reveal a sumptuous drawing room, decorated in brocades of scarlet and gold. Catherine could do nothing but stand in the middle of the room and gawk with a hand over her mouth. He indicated bedrooms at either end of the room, "I will have your trunks sent up, sir." Carson bowed to the couple and went to close the door.

Richard stopped him, "Carson! Can you please see that Prince John receives this letter from my father?"

"Of course, sir." He bowed again and closed the door behind him.

Trying to control her mirth, Cat instructed her maid to take her portmanteau to her bedroom. Once Deborah had left the room, she could control her laughter no longer. She looked at Richard, who was looking at her with his head cocked to the side. This caused her to double over in uncontrollable laughter.

Once she got control of herself she giggled, "Oh Richard! Look at this room. It is atrocious!"

Richard looked around, not seeing anything funny about the room. "It is?" The look on his face made her erupt with laughter once again.

She plopped onto the settee and declared, "Our home will NOT be decorated like this!"

Richard sat beside her, took her hands in his and said quietly, "Our home?"

Cat sobered immediately, snatched her hands away and stammered, " home." She stood and crossed to her bed chamber. She turned back to Richard, who was looking after her with sadness in his eyes, "I need to rest. Uhhh...I will see you at tea." With that she quietly shut the door.


Tea was a quiet affair, with not much said between the two. Richard broke the silence, "Tomorrow you will meet Lady Bartholomew. Are you sure you know what must be done?"

Catherine cocked her head to the side and said sarcastically, "Yes, my lord."

Richard sighed, "Catherine..."

Looking down at her hands twisting her napkin in her lap, she said, "I'm sorry Richard. I know what must be done. I just fear that it will all go wrong..."

"I have absolute faith in you, Cat." Richard grinned, "Plus, I am here to help. How can it possibly go wrong?"

She allowed herself a laugh and reached across the table for Richard's hand. Taking it lightly she said, "Thank you, Richard. I am glad you are here with me."

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