Chapter 20 - A Wedding?

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I decided to give you all a treat today...ah, heck, I couldn't wait to get back to Guy! This is a long one and it is rated R.


Guy paced in front of the altar.

Albert tried to calm his friend, "Guy, come sit. I am sure she will come."

Guy looked around at the people in the church. It was easily filled with far more people than had been invited. The Wayfarers were proving to be popular in the district and all wanted to wish Guy and Genie well. Guy sat down, but almost immediately popped up again.

'Not again,' he thought. 'Please, God,' he prayed, 'let her come. I cannot do this again.'

The only noises in the church were the sound of his leathers creaking and the occasional chatter of children. The priest stood at the altar, looking more and more worried.

"Sir Guy," he plead, "it has already been half an hour. How long are you going to wait?"

Guy shot the priest a look full of fury and fear, "We will wait until we can wait no longer."

Sir Bingham rose, "Guy, my lad," he put a hand to his shoulder, "I am so sorry about this. It looks like she is not coming."

At that moment the church doors opened. Guy turned a radiant face toward the sound, but he was met only by the entrance of Lady Bingham, who scurried down the aisle. Guy turned back to his pacing. She took her husband by the arm and whispered in his ear. Lord Bingham smiled and approached Albert and whispered to him.

Albert rose and guided Guy to a spot on the left side of the altar, "Let's get you married!"

Guy stood stock still and looked nervously down the aisle. The church doors opened; Anne entered, the doors closing behind her. Guy groaned. Anne made her way slowly down the aisle, smiling at Guy (or was it Albert?) the whole time. When she reached the altar she took her place on the right and the church doors opened once again.

Guy could not believe the vision before him. Genie stood in the doorway for a moment, still slightly unsure of herself. She looked to Anne and then turned her eyes toward Guy. Immediately, she felt her butterflies settle. She was doing the right thing. The love Guy felt for her was obvious for the world to see.

As she seemed to float down the aisle Guy devoured her with his eyes. Anne and her team of seamstresses had managed to make a gown fit for a queen. It was an elegant and subdued affair, ivory silk embossed with soft golden details. The dress showed off Genie's figure and managed to hide the swell of her baby. On her head she sported a long veil of ivory lace that formed a train behind her.

She paused at the head of the aisle and gave her hand to Guy. He stepped forward and took it gently.

The priest looked relieved and began the service with a prayer. As everyone bowed their heads Genie and Guy chanced covert glances at each other under their lashes.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony." Anne was surprised by the formality of the service but was transported back just a few months to her wedding. With much effort she managed to keep her smile. Albert leaned slightly to look at her. She smiled brighter and winked at him. Albert covered his mouth, holding back the laugh that threatened to escape.

Anne brought herself back to the mass.

The priest recited the vows,

"Do you Guy Crispin of Gisborne take Eugenie Dewey-Tanner for your wedded wife?"

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