Chapter 8 - Nottingham

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The next day they presented themselves as petitioners to the Sheriff. They knew they were going into the hall completely blind. They had no idea of the layout or the security situation. They were announced by the page. "Mrs. Anne Arrowsmith and Mrs. Eugenie Tanner."

Guy of Gisborne had been listening to the Sheriff drone on all day. He perked up when he heard the names; he smirked and thought, '2 more of the group of 7.'

They entered what they thought was the hall, only to find themselves on a balcony overlooking the hall. To the left a long set of stairs led to the reception hall. The women remained on the balcony for a few moments, surveying the layout. They briefly put their heads together.

Anne turned to the left and started to descend the stairs while Genie remained on the balcony. When Anne reached the bottom of the stairs and made her way across the hall, Genie climbed up onto the railing of the balcony; taking one of the ropes securing the chandelier she set herself to swinging.

Genie leapt from her rope intent on tackling the Sheriff. However, Guy pushed the Sheriff out of the way resulting in Genie and Guy crashing to the ground. Genie rolled into an upright position and pulled out her sword. She turned to Guy, "You really should not've done that. Anne! Get the sheriff and kick his ass!"

Anne lunged and tripped up the sheriff. He landed, sprawled across the floor. Genie and Guy struggled against each other. Genie quickly pinned Guy to the floor and put her sword against his throat keeping the tip of the blade very close to his face. "Stop moving! Or I will use this!"

Meanwhile, Anne tied the Sheriff's wrists behind his back and hauled him into a chair. She unsheathed her dagger and held it up in front of his face. "You will order the release of our friends. They have done nothing wrong. We are simply travelling from Norwich to Sunderland."

Guy tried to turn on the charm and said to Genie, "You ladies certainly have skills."

Genie, who was having none of his talk, said through her teeth, "Shut up or I'll use this."

Grinning mischievously he continued, "Although-" Genie cut him off, pushing her sword further into his neck, closer to his face. "I. Said. Shut. Up."

Anne turned to Genie and Guy, "Bring him over here, we'll tie them up together."

Genie nodded in Anne's direction; Guy took a step forward and turned quickly. A surprised Genie swung her sword, nicking his arm. Guy winced, looking around wildly for a weapon. He grabbed a tall candelabra and used it to parry Genie's lunges. He suddenly spun and hit Genie on the forearm with the candelabra. Her sword clattered to the ground and she met his eyes. He bent to pick up the sword.

Anne immediately put her dagger to the Sheriff's face and said, "Drop that sword or the sheriff will lose his nose."

Sheriff Vaisey screamed, "Gisborne, do as she says!"

Guy smirked and said, "Please do."

The Sheriff furiously shouted, "Gisborne!"

Genie stood stock still, pretending to surrender.

Guy smirked and then grinned, "Oh, the lady has given up? I'm intrigued."

Anne hissed, "Genie what are you doing?"

"Don't worry Anne. I got this," Genie grinned. Turning to Guy she said, "Can you please give me my sword back?"

"Mmmm no." he responded. "Why don't we make a trade?" Turning to Anne he said, "You choose, your friends, or her," he said as he grabbed Genie's arm.

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