Chapter 18 - Horror & Doubts

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Very little was happening in Sunderland. All of the women were busily preparing for the nuptials which were scheduled for the 15th of May.

2 days before the wedding Anne entered the sitting room to find Genie sitting alone staring forlornly out the window.

"Genie?" There was no answer, so she advanced further into the room and called again, "Genie?"

Genie started and looked around. She smiled a sad smile at her friend, "Hello Annie." She held a hand out which Anne rushed forward to take.

Still holding Genie's hand she sat at the small table, opposite. "Are you alright?" She covered Genie's tiny hand in both of hers.

"I will be," Genie sighed. "I just need to get all of this over with."

"I know, I'm worried about Catherine and-"

"Oh, I wasn't even thinking about that!" Genie started to cry, "How terrible a friend am I? Our friend has put herself in danger and here I am crying over my petty problems!"

"They are not petty problems! Tell me what is on your mind. Please."

"I just can't believe that I am getting married again. It has only been 6 months and so much has happened." Anne was concerned when she saw the sorrow in her friends' face. "I miss Peter so much! How can I marry Guy when I still love someone else?"

"I am sure it is possible, and I am absolutely sure that Peter would want you to be happy." She gave her friend a look of encouragement, "There is nothing wrong with getting on with your life. Besides, your wee one needs a Daddy."

"That is hardly fair! It isn't Guy's baby!" Genie rose from the table and started pacing. "He shouldn't have to raise a bastard."

"Genie!" Anne got up, grabbed her friend by the shoulders and turned her, "Don't ever let me hear you call your baby that again! He is not a bastard! Guy loves you and already loves that baby like his own. If you doubt that, maybe you should rethink this marriage!" She released her from her grasp, "It sounds like you have some talking to do with Guy."

Genie wandered to the window. Looking down she saw Guy working sword handling with some of the younger guards. She smiled as she watched him adjust the stance of one particular young man. "Keep your feet apart."

Anne came over to see what she was looking at and smiled. "Who would have thought mere months ago that we would have him in our lives?" She paused, "Hell! Who would have thought he was capable of this!" She crossed to the door and said as she passed through, "Talk to him. I think you just need his reassurance." She left.

Genie continued to watch Guy give his lessons. He was incredibly patient with the men. She thought of her child - 'our child,' she thought - and what kind of father he was going to make. She imagined him on his hands and knees being a horsey; teaching the child the skills of bow and sword; his pride as their child grew to adulthood. Always by her side.



The next day Archer was ready and waiting for Murdstone in the castle courtyard. He stood beside a stallion whose jet black coat had been brushed until it shone in the light. The ladies who passed him by could not help but look admiringly. Much to their chagrin, he did not notice a single one of them.

Murdstone stepped out of the castle doors and scowled at the sight before him. His eyes followed each woman as she looked over the handsome young stranger. Inside he boiled with anger. 'Those hussies! They are all after the same thing.' He was loathe to admit his jealousy and desire for each woman that went by.

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