Chapter 14 - Actions

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The next day a strategy meeting took place. The female Wayfarers were instructed that they would not be permitted to attend. In attendance were Lord Bingham, Bailiff Dewey, Sheriff Canning, the nobles from the day before and Sir Guy of Gisborne.

The ladies were in the chamber assigned to Genie. They were standing around the bed looking at a pile of gowns, the looks of disgust were clear on all except Catherine.

"Oh, aren't they all lovely! I don't know which one I will choose," she said excitedly.

"I think you will wear whichever one actually fits you," Maddie said sarcastically. "You are freakishly tall."

Anne, Genie and Maddie laughed, Catherine stuck her tongue out and then laughed along.

Genie picked up a gown and whined, "I don't want to wear a gown. I like my breeches."

Anne agreed, "We ALL like our breeches, but you know what they say, 'When in Rome...'"

Maddie looked at her, confused, "We aren't in Rome."

Catherine took her aside and explained, "No dear, it is a turn of phrase that means when you are somewhere different you try to blend in."

"Oohh," she said. Picking up a corset she exclaimed, "I, for one, am not tying myself into this thing!" She turned to one of the maids, "Can you please get me a dress? A plain, homespun dress?"

The maid looked at her agog and simply curtsied her understanding.

Anne sighed, "Really Maddie? You really need to make an effort." She was interrupted by Catherine's gasp. She turned to look at her and followed her gaze to Genie.

She had stripped down to her chemise. Her arms were covered in bruises, but that is not what held the gazes of her friends. All of them were looking at her swollen belly.

"Genie?" Anne asked warily. "Are you with child?"

She looked at her friend and laughed, "What? I think not!" The others all looked at each other. "That is a terrible thing to say! I couldn't possibly be...Peter is gone." She paled, "I couldn't be..."

Anne took her by the hands, "When was your last cycle?"

"I don't know...I haven't been paying attention, there has been a little more to tend to!"

"Well, it is time to think about it!"

Genie sat on the side of the bed and put her head into her hands. She rocked back and forth like that for a few minutes before saying, "I don't think I have had a cycle since..." She looked up at the girls with sorrow in her eyes, "...since November."


The Wayfarers were in the sitting room with Lady Bingham. "My darling girls, I cannot believe the horrors you have had to endure." Lady Bingham was a woman approximately 40 years of age. She was clothed in the richest fabrics the girls had ever seen; she wore a white wig and expertly applied rouge. "To think you had to spend all of those days and nights sleeping in caves and on the ground!"

Anne sat opposite the Lady trying not to pull the edges of her dress higher up on her bosoms. She was having difficulty taking deep breaths, never before had she worn a corset. She thought, 'I'd gladly go back to a cave if only I could have my breeches.' However, to Lady Bingham she replied, "Thank you for your concern, m'lady. We did become accustomed to the...uhhh...hardship. It was a delight to sleep in a bed." In actual fact, she had found the bed much too soft.

Genie and Catherine were clothed similarly to Anne (however, in order to fit Genie into a gown she was corset-less); Maddie, however, refused to wear a corset. She was sporting the coarse-spun dress the maid had found for her. Genie was having difficulty making small talk with the ladies. She wanted to be in the Great Hall planning and fighting the fight alongside the men. She stood up and started pacing the room. Catherine sat near the fire, tambour in hand, contentedly stitching.

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