Chapter 33 - Midsummer pt 3

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Guy sat his mount, relaxed but very aware of his surroundings. He was in his element. He was trained for this. It felt like all of his life had been leading up to this single moment in time. Finally, redemption was at hand. Finally, he could wipe away his sins. The tyranny of his past, the horrible acts committed in the name of the sheriff, Isabella...Marion...He felt his heart swell at the thought of his lost love. If only she had been true, she could have been his redemption. She could have wiped it all clean.

He grinned as he turned his thoughts to Genie. God had blessed the day she swung into the Great Hall at Nottingham. She had been the cause of the good things he had now. Friends, a purpose and soon, a child. He had longed for these simple truths of life for as long as he could remember; certainly since the death of his parents in the house fire. He had a family and he wasn't about to lose it again. Today he would fulfill his destiny. He would end the reign of Prince John and help to restore the glory of England for King Richard.

He brought his attention back to his current surroundings. He occupied a spot in the middle of the rear line. 5 men per line. Prince John was in front of him, he could lunge forward right now and have the deed done. He smirked, 'Soon, you spawn of hell. Soon...'

Suddenly the flag dropped and pandemonium ensued. Guy made sure to stay close to Prince John, ostensibly to protect him. Richard's duty was to keep his eye on Prince John's captain Sir Peter of Berkeley. Sir Henry was in charge of ensuring that his team participate accordingly. As this was a demonstration that included the prince, once again waisters were used.

The opposing teams charged forward, attempting to break formation. The air was thick with dust and the clack of weapons hitting against weapons. Guy held his reins in his left hand, whirling in time to reform ranks with Prince John.

On the next pass, Guy maintained his focus, making desultory swipes at the opponents. He was unaware of any strikes against himself. After this second charge, the Prince's team was down by one knight, while Sir Henry had lost 2.

At the end of 2 passes the melee descended into anarchy. Most of the opponents were avoiding close contact with Prince John, so Guy was trying to subtly lead him deeper into the melee. John was shooting concerned looks at Guy, who returned them with his smirk.

John shouted, "What are you doing?"

"What I came here to do, my lord." As he replied he reined his horse in beside the prince, galloping along at pace, he leaned as close as possible to Prince John and hissed, "I am going to kill you!"

John looked at him in horror, trying to spur his horse on faster. The field in which the melee was taking place was not large; that, combined with the number of horses, meant that there were limited places to turn. Guy took control of the steering of Prince John's horse by maintaining his pace. He turned and turned and turned the prince's big bay until he had him in the centre of the melee.

Waisters were crashing against legs, arms, backs, the flanks of the horses, keeping track of team members was near impossible, but Guy never let John get away from him.


Catherine was torn between watching the melee and keeping an eye on Rose. 'Come on Rose, go to your chambers.'

"Do you not find this most exciting?" Whitten whispered in her ear. "Your husband is doing well considering his earlier injuries."

Catherine tried to ignore the man, she was watching Rose intently. "Oh!" Whitten exclaimed. "Sir Henry just took a blow to the back!"

Cat turned her eyes back to the melee and swallowed hard. Henry had, indeed, taken a blow to the back. He was hunched forward against his horses' neck. With no direction from his rider the horse was panicking and careering dangerously around the field. Suddenly, his horse reared, Catherine stood, yelling, "No!"

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