Chapter 34 - The Aftermath

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This chapter of my story just happens to be published on Aug 22, 2017. Happy 46th birthday, Mr. Armitage!!! Thank you for bringing Guy and so many others to life!

This chapter contains graphic sex. (sorry, not with Guy 😐)


June had been hot in Nottingham and it looked as though the heat would continue through July. After a long day of tax collecting and fielding abuse from Sheriff Vaisey all Archer could think of was his bed. He was tired in body, mind and spirit.

He stepped into the relative coolness of his room and was surprised to see a man sprawled out on his bed. He drew his sword and approached the bed quietly. As he circled the end of the bed he was surprised to see that the resident of his bed was Guy. A very dirty, very greasy Guy. He couldn't help but shake his head. 'No respect,' he thought. 'Go figure.'

He poked at Guy with the tip of his sword, getting no response. He crouched beside the bed, put his face very near to Guy's and shouted, "Hey!"

Guy opened his eyes and looked at Archer benignly, "Hey, yourself."


"Yes, thank you," Guy said as he sat and threw his feet over the edge of the bed. "It was a long ride." He stretched his back and asked, "Any grub around here?"

Archer looked at him, confused, "How the hell did you get in here?"

Guy arched a brow, "Really? I spent years in this castle. I know so many ways in and out of here it would make your head spin." He got up and walked to the window. "How are things going here?"

Archer gave him a run-down of recent events. Guy hung his head upon hearing the fate of Vincent.

"I am sorry to hear that. How is the boy's mother? Yardley is courting her, did you know? I left him going to see her this morning."

"She is not good. She is devastated. I am devastated. He was a brave lad."

Guy put a hand on his shoulder, "I truly am sorry." Archer nodded his acknowledgement.

"What is happening in London?"

"Things are surprisingly well."

Archer indicated to Guy that he should continue.

"Oh! Right!" Guy grinned, "Prince John is dead. Constance, young Arthur's mother, will act as regent until King Richard returns."

"So, what happens now?"

"Tomorrow morning you inform Vaisey...or just kill him. I think it would be fun to see his reaction, but it is entirely up to you."

"What will you be doing?"

"I am going to check on my estate. I'm going to be a father..." he wandered over to the door, "must make sure all is in order for my little family."

"That's it?" Archer asked, incredulous.

Guy replied, "For me?" He opened the door, took a look to the left and the right, stepped across the threshold and said, "Yes. After I check Locksley manor I will be returning to Sunderland."

Archer laid down on his bed, his role was coming to an end; he slept.


The next morning Archer was waiting for Vaisey in the Great Hall. He was pacing back and forth, trying to figure out how to tell him the news.

"My, my, my look who is an early bird today!" Vaisey said in a sing-song voice as he descended the stairs. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"My lord, I have some news for you."

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