Chapter 29 - Letters

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Catherine was making every attempt possible to see Rose. She was in the constant company of Mathilda but whenever that woman saw Cat she redirected Lady Bartholomew away.

Catherine finally determined that she would have to risk writing a note to Rose. That evening she sat at her writing table, quill in hand attempting to explain all in the most cryptic way possible. Cat was an excellent swordswoman and highly intelligent, however wordsmithing was never one of her particular skills. As she was starting, and stopping, letter after letter there was a knock on her door.

Deborah crossed the parlour to answer. She opened the door and dropped to a quick curtsy, "Good evening, ma'am."

Catherine turned, surprised to find Lady Arabella of Kent in the doorway. Cat had never been sure of herself around Lady Arabella. Tall and regal, she seemed to look straight down her nose at everyone. She rose and crossed to the door, unsure of the Lady's purpose.

"Lady Arabella, please do come in," Catherine reached out her two hands in greeting, she was surprised to find the lady's hands cold and shaking. She guided her to the settee. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Lady Catherine, I come to you as Rose's friend." She looked around as if afraid to find ghosts in every corner. "We must do something to help her!"

"Help her? What has happened?"

"Myself...Lady, half a dozen others..." She clasped and unclasped her hands in her lap. "We have all been banished from her company!" Lady Arabella took a hold of Cat's hands and held them tightly. "She was beaten after you confronted Bartholomew."

Catherine paled and groaned, "Oh, I was afraid that had happened." She stood and paced, "I never should have said anything to him. But he was ruining that poor boy." She wrapped her arms around herself. "Oh, I've made a mess of it all."

"We have to get her away from Mathilda. I am not sure if it is her or Bartholomew who is doing the beating-"

Catherine looked at the woman sharply, "Or both."

Arabella sighed, "Or both. Lady Catherine we cannot let this continue. I am going to speak to Prince John about it."

Catherine laughed and smirked, "Prince John? Like he gives a fig what happens to a lowly lady of the court." She shook her head, "No, I think we need to take care of this ourselves."


As it turned out, Lady Rose was taking care of the situation herself. The next day while walking in the garden with the ever-present Mathilda, she let a small piece of paper slip out of her fingers.

The risk she took for a note that may or may not be found was great. However, she needed to warn Catherine not to incur the wrath of Bartholomew on her account.


The note, was indeed, found by one of the kitchen maids. It made its way through the staff until it finally was received by Deborah.

She hurried back to the suite with the note. "Lady Catherine, I have a note here bearing your name." Catherine crossed the room and reached for the note. "It was found in the garden."

Catherine looked startled and, as she tore open the note, said, "In the garden?" She took the note to the window for better light and read:

My Dearest Catherine,

Please, I beg of you, do not take any further risk on my behalf. Bartholomew has sworn he will deal with you in any way he sees fit. I shall be fine.

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