Chapter 37 - Families

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Once the crowds dispersed from the courtyard of the castle Archer, Robin and Guy went to the Great Hall and sent out couriers to charge the local nobles to come so that they could decide what would happen with the parish. The 3 men discussed their parentage as they waited.

" my parents were both killed. I had nothing to keep me here, so Isabella," he looked at Archer, "our sister..."

"I have a sister," Archer mumbled in amazement.

"...we went back to France. I had hoped that our family would take us in, but they didn't. They had heard about the leprosy and were ashamed. Eventually, Thornton offered for Isabella; I got trained as a knight and Isabella was taken care of."

Archer was dumbfounded. He had spent most of his life on his own, fending for himself. He never had anyone he could depend upon.

"I never had a sibling either, Archer. It will take some getting used to," Robin laughed.

Allan entered the Great Hall and called from the balcony, "The...harrumph...nobles are arriving."

Guy called up to him, "Allan, can you see that some refreshments are brought?"

Allan cocked his head to one side and replied, "Yeah." As he left he mumbled, "Who does he think he is? What am I the gopher?"

4 land holders of the district entered the Great Hall. The 3 men stood as they entered. The first noble stopped abruptly, "Sir Guy! Robin Hood!"

Archer stepped forward and explained all that had happened and they all took their seats.

Guy spoke first, "There needs to be a new sheriff. I am sure there will be a lot of change being directed from London now that Lady Constance is regent. So much must be put in place to keep order."

"Is there recompense being sent?" asked one of the nobles.

"That I cannot answer. Lady Constance has only been in charge for a few days, we must give her time. Perhaps you can all get together and write a petition. Besides, I am not privy to anything in London. My part is ended." Guy sat back in his chair.

Robin stood and addressed the men, "I think Archer should be sheriff."

Archer paled and stood quickly, "Oh no! No, I don't think so!"

"Why not? You know what to do. You know the district. You certainly deserve it."

"Well, I've never stayed long in one place..."

Robin clapped a hand to his shoulder and suggested, "Why don't you act as transitional sheriff? Then if you like it, you stay. If not, off you go." He made a dismissive gesture with his hand.

The nobles nodded their agreement with the suggestion. Archer stumbled, "Uhhhh, I don't know." He looked to Guy who was still lounging in his chair, his arms crossed loosely on his chest. Guy gave an imperceptible nod of yes and smiled at him. Archer nodded, "Alright, I will stay." He pointed his finger, "But only for a few months."

They hastily had a document drawn up detailing Archer's position and all of the nobles signed it. After putting his signature to the parchment Guy handed the pen to Robin who said, "Me?"

"You are the earl of Huntingdon, aren't you?" Guy grinned.

That night a celebration was held throughout all of Nottingham. The coffers had been opened and all of the Inns and Taverns of the town had been paid to open the bars to all who attended. In the castle, there was a smaller celebration taking place. 3 men sat around a table, drinking wine and telling stories of their lives. 3 brothers coming together.

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