Chapter 2 - Norwich

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As the eldest Anne took the lead on their journey to Norwich. She had often been to the bustling town, accompanying her father on his frequent trips to sell his wares. Just 2 miles outside of Stradbroke, she halted them for the night; it was already past 11 o'clock and the younger women were struggling to continue. She led them off the road and quickly found a passable site for resting.

Maddie scurried around the site, collecting twigs and small branches. "No fire," Anne said. "We can't take the risk; the soldiers may still be nearby." This decree was met with complaints and tears.

"I am freezing," Maddie whined.

"I know, girls. We just can't take the risk." Anne put an arm around Maddie's shoulder and suggested, "Let's all just cuddle up to keep each other warm and try to get some rest."

Anne and Genie took positions at either end of the line of girls, although neither of them slept. All night they kept up their vigil, ensuring the women in their charge were safe. At first light they shook their friends awake.

"We need to get started," Genie said as she handed around small measures of the food. 15 minutes later they were on their way, back on the Norwich road. She and Anne brought up the rear of the group, intent on discussing what they were going to do. "So we go to Norwich," Genie said. "What do we do when we get there?"

"I don't know," Anne shrugged. "Maybe the girls can find work in town. Serving girls, maids; I am sure they will be able to find something. You too..."

Genie interjected, "I am not going to be a serving wench in Norwich! I have other plans."

"Genie...what other plans?"

"I will have revenge on Prince John and his cronies," she spat on the ground. "Those bastards are not going to get away with this!"

"That is treason," Anne whispered. "You will be hanged."

"I'd rather be hanged for treason than just stand by and let our husbands, fathers, friends..." Tears started streaming down her face. She sank to the ground and wailed. "Peter, father...Why? What did we do?"

The 5 younger women turned when they heard Genie's keening. Seeing this woman, someone they all looked up to, so distraught set them off again. They gathered around Genie, dropped to the ground and threw their arms around each other. Anne stood to one side, watching this demonstration, her countenance growing blacker as the minutes went by.

"Enough!" She shouted. 6 pairs of startled eyes turned to look at her. "This is not helping anyone. All of you get up off the ground." They slowly rose. "Crying is not going to solve anything. We have to come up with a plan, you all need to get it together. We should be in Woodton this evening. Once we get there we can consult with the elders of the village. They may be able to help us." Nobody said anything, they simply started off down the road.

The women maintained a punishing pace, they only stopped for brief respites to eat. The crossing of the Waveney River was the only hindrance they experienced. A slight change in their trajectory had them crossing at Homersfield.

By early evening they admitted defeat and found a place to sleep. Once again, they cuddled together, however on this night Anne & Genie could not keep their eyes open.

Anne woke to find the youngest of the girls, 15 year old Brittany, sitting opposite her, staring glassily. "Brittany?" She waved a hand in front of the girls' face. "Britt? Genie! Help!"

Genie scrambled to the women and, taking hold of Brittany's shoulders, shook her vigorously. Upon getting no response from the girl she slapped her, hard, across the face. Brittany still sat, there was no response. Her eyes stared, no light shining from them, deadened. Genie turned away, horrified. She looked to the other women, all of whom had distress evident on their faces. She immediately entered leader-mode. "Moira, get out the food and share it around. Estelle and Catherine go down to the creek and fill the water skins; when you get back we move. We have to get Brittany to the village."

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