Chapter 24 - Arthur

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Catherine was enjoying her part in the plot, except for the continued addition of Mathilda. Lady Rose was a pleasant companion and Cat was certain that she could be enlisted to help. However, it was difficult to plot regicide with a spy in the midst.

On this day in late May Catherine, Rose and Mathilda were taking a tour of the gardens. The emerging blooms reminded Cat of home. She was lost in thought, wondering what were happening to the roses left untended in Stradbroke, when Rose's voice intruded on her thoughts.

"What is that noise?"

There was a distinctive clanging coming off to the right. Curiosity overcame the 2 women, who turned to follow the sound.

"Really?" Mathilda complained. "Do we have to go off chasing after everything?"

Cat and Rose looked at each other and grinned, "If you wish to do something else Mathilda, you are quite welcome to," Rose said over her shoulder.

They continued down the path and passed through a gate. The sight before them took their breath away. A group of approximately 20 men were practicing their skills with sword, lance and bow. Catherine could not hold back her glee.

"Oh!" She went so far as clapping her hands together. "Shall we watch?"

"I think we have to," Rose glanced appreciatively at the men and giggled.

"Father will not like you ogling men!" Mathilda sniffed. "Really, Mama! You are a married woman, you should not be fawning over other men!"

"Relax Mathilda! I am simply watching them practice."

Catherine was watching closer than the other women; she noticed, off at the far end of the court, a small boy practicing his skills with a wooden waister.

She turned to Rose and asked, "Who is that boy?"

Mathilda answered with a sneer, "That is Arthur, 'Duke' of Brittany." When Cat shook her head to indicate she wasn't aware of who that was, Mathilda continued, "That is Geoffrey's brat." This time Cat shrugged.

Rose cut in, "Arthur is second in line after King Richard."

A look of dawning understanding came over Catherine's face. "Ahhh." She continued to observe the boy's training. She was distressed to see the careless way his teacher was allowing the child to wield the sword.

"And who is that trying to teach him?"

Rose sighed, "That is my husband."

Catherine looked at Rose, horrified. "That old man is your husband?"

While Bartholomew was not old, he had reached the age of 50. He still cut a fine figure, he was tall and lean and moved with quiet efficiency.

Catherine started across the courtyard. Rose looked, appalled, at Mathilda who said, as she watched Cat cross the court with a souring expression on her face. "What does she think she is doing?"

As she approached the boy and his teacher she pulled a waister out of a barrel set nearby. "Excuse me!" She said to Bartholomew, exasperated. "How is the boy ever supposed to defend himself like that?"

The teacher glared at the young woman who approached as if she knew what she was about. "Who are you and what do you want?"

"I am Lady Catherine of Birtley and I am going to show this lad how to defend himself from a blow!" She stood stock still in front of the teacher. "Now, please step aside."

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