Chapter 23 - Plans Afoot

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As if he had heard his sons concern, Sir Henry arrived 2 days later. When he was informed, Richard dashed to the courtyard, ready to throw himself into his fathers' arms. However, upon entering the courtyard and seeing the number of people milling about he simply hastened across the yard and held his hand out to the man.

"Father! I am so glad you have made it!"

Sir Henry looked at his sons hand and ignored it. He looked him up and down. He then clapped his hand to the boys shoulder and pulled him into an embrace. Slapping Richard on the back he said, "You've changed, my lad. Something is different..." He grinned into his sons face, "Could it be a certain young lady..."

Richard flushed, "Father! Really!" He grinned back, "You know me too well." The two men laughed and climbed side by side up the wooden stairs.

Carson bowed deeply to Henry, "I am very pleased to see you again, Sir Henry." Henry nodded to the major domo. "Our honourable Prince has been awaiting your arrival ever since receiving your letter."

Henry and Carson exchanged a look unseen by anyone else. "I will need to be taken to my rooms first. I desperately require a basin of water and a change of clothes."

"My Lord, please follow me." Carson led Henry down a corridor.

"Am I no longer in my usual rooms?"

"No sir, I am afraid we have had to re-assign your rooms to your son." Carson grinned at him, "There is an advantage to having a wife, sir."

Henry clapped Carson on the back and said with a guffaw, "Too true Carson! Too true!" He raised a brow, "Perhaps I should take a look around court and see if there is someone of grace and charm."

"Grace and charm, m'lord? I think you would need someone made of heartier stuff!"

Henry laughed, a full rich sound that resounded off the stone walls. "Oh Carson! I have missed you, my friend!"

Sir Henry asked Carson to remain behind after the other servants left the room. "Carson, I would like you to attend me tomorrow afternoon. There are," he cleared his throat, "many things to discuss."

Carson bowed, but grinned as he said, "As you wish, my lord. It would be my pleasure."


The morning after his arrival Sir Henry met with Prince John. John was upset that it had taken Sir Henry so long to arrive at court. His role as Earl Marshal meant that not only was he responsible for the royal stables, but for the personal protection of the King himself. Or as the case may be, the Prince Regent. They met in private.

"Your Highness, please do forgive my tardiness. As I informed you it was essential that I accompany the prisoner Archer to Nottingham. Besides, I left you in the capable hands of my son."

"Your son?" Prince John shouted. His voice tended to become high-pitched when he was angry. "Your son is a boy! Court has been in session for more than 2 weeks. You should have been here before the 1st!"

"I assure you, my lord, Richard is as capable as I; if not more so." Henry resisted the urge to roll his eyes, 'and not much younger than yourself,' he thought.

Protection of the regent (especially this one) was a complex role, it involved the scheduling and training of a sentry staff of 50 who had varied roles when serving the Prince. Sir Henry had been grooming his son for the role since the lad first travelled with him to London, some 10 years ago. It was his plan to retire upon the return of King Richard.

Prince John's capriciousness was well known and presented itself at this time. "Regardless, you are here now." He waved a hand nonchalantly. "I require a change to my hunting guards. The ones your son assigned to me do not have the appropriate flair for the occasion." Henry was not sure what kind of flair was required when hunting, but he agreed to change the guards.

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