Chapter 38 - Endings

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The next day found Guy, once again, standing at the window with Pierrette in his arms. Genie had been cleaned up and lay peacefully in the bed.

"My baby girl." Guy whispered, his lips hovering at the baby's forehead, "I am going to be the best Daddy you could ever wish for. Your Momma loved you so much, we were going to be a family," he swallowed repeatedly. "You aren't mine, but you are of her, and that is what counts. I will honour the memory of your parents and do my best. My utmost best."

He turned and, without glancing at Genie, walked into the sitting room. Anne was there, as usual, ready and willing to help as much as possible. She smiled at Guy and Pierrette, "You know, I never really truly believed you were one of us until you told Genie that you would be Daddy to Peter's baby." She came closer and put her hand on the baby's head. "It was right then that I knew that underneath all the leather and sneers you were an honourable man."

He smirked at her, "I'm hurt." His smirk turned into a smile, "I thought it was when you brought me in from the rain and gave me Cat's clothes." They both laughed.

"Genie will want this," Anne looked around, nodding her head, "all of us getting on with life. We will remember her, but we need to move on."

"I don't know if I can, Anne."

"Look down at what you are holding, Guy." He did. "She is your reason. You made her a promise last night."

Tears were streaming down Guy's face, causing her to cry in turn. "I'm not sure without her. Annie, I love her so much!"

Anne wrapped her arms around his midriff, "I know. I know how much you loved her."

Albert entered the sitting room, holding a letter. He waved the letter and said, "It's from London. Lord Bingham would like you to come for it to be read."

Guy handed Pierrette off to the nurse and followed Albert to the Hall.

The group was very somber. Mirrors had been covered and all were wearing mourning.

"I'm sorry to be taking care of business in light of the tragedy last night. However, I am sure we all would like to get on with our lives." Everyone nodded assent. "I shall read the letter."

My Lord Bingham, Duke of Sunderland;

The crown extends its utmost and gracious thanks to you for your assistance in preserving the throne for King Richard. We are aware that there were many involved, some of whom we already miss.

Anne smiled at Catherine and Richard, who were holding hands and smiling at each other.

In light of the services rendered to the crown, and the indictment of several traitors we find that we have districts that are lacking in estate managers. We, therefore, feel that it behooves us to bestow these districts on those who have put their lives at risk for the Prince Regent and our beloved King.

Please inform the following individuals of the estates and chattel which shall, henceforth, entitle them to an earldom.

Guy smirked. Now that it was all over, he was not sure that an earldom was worth all of it. Without Genie, what would be the purpose? He smiled; 'Pierrette, of course, I have Pierrette.'

Catherine du Fort shall henceforth be the governor of Berkeley, a property formerly managed by Sir Peter of Berkeley; currently residing in the Tower

Henry of Birtley shall have his lands extended to border with Berkeley

Albert Dewey shall henceforth be the governor of Glastonbury, a property formerly managed by Sir Martin of Glastonbury; currently residing in the Tower

Anne Arrowsmith shall henceforth be the governor of Reading Green, a property formerly managed by Sir James of Dertle; currently residing in the Tower

Sir Robin, earl of Huntingdon shall revert to his former duties of the management of Locksley, and shall have his lands extended to include Knighton

Sir Guy of Gisborne shall henceforth be the governor of Huncote, a property formerly managed by Lord Barrow, may he rest in peace

So by decree of Arthur, Prince Regent and Constance, Regent

The document was signed by Constance and bore the stamp of the house of Plantagenet.

Guy sat, stunned, that he should be given such a prosperous estate. He was humbled and honoured that he would be continuing the management of Huncote. As Anne came toward him he started to panic, 'It should go to Anne, it is her home.' Anne smiled widely. As she came closer; Guy's anxiety increased.

"Oh Guy, I know you will do a wonderful job with Huncote!" Guy let out his breath, not realising he had been holding it. "It is right that Pierrette will be raised there." She took hold of his hands, "Are you ok?"

Guy nodded, "I-I thought you should have it."

"Actually, Guy, I have a request of you."

"You know you can ask me anything, Annie."

"Do you know you are the only one who calls me that?" She shook her head, "No matter. Glastonbury is way on the other side of England to Reading Green. But it abuts Huncote. Albert and I want to be married, so I would not be able to manage the estate." She looked at him, anticipating his acceptance.

"You want me to manage your estate for you?" Guy took Anne into his arms. She was surprised, but hugged him back. "I will do everything in my power to take care of your lands. You honour me, Annie."


2 days later Genie's remains were burned on a funeral pyre. The town turned out in order to honour the young woman. Guy stood, tall and serious, not allowing any emotion to cross his face. Anne and Catherine cried for their life-long friend, as did many of the townspeople and castle staff; even Lord Bingham shed tears.

The next day Guy left Sunderland; Cat and Anne stayed, as Catherine's wedding was planned for 2 weeks ahead.

The departure was hard on the girls. They had both come to love and respect Guy. Not many words were said, they weren't required. Anne and Cat made sure they bothered Guy enough to elicit a promise to write to them regularly.

As Guy swung himself into the saddle, Anne came to stand at his stirrup.

"I think you should take these," she had to swallow to stop herself from crying. She placed Genie's rings in his outstretched palm. She closed his fingers on them.

Guy smiled, nodded to her and spurred his horse forward. He looked back once. He gave a brief wave to the women who had become like sisters. His friends.


Thank you for taking the time to read this story. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. I always hoped for a more satisfying ending to Guy's story; he was mis-understood and could have been such a better person if  only he had had proper guidance and love. 

I will post an epilogue tomorrow.  

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