Chapter 27 - Aiding and Abetting

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Life in Nottingham carried on pretty much as it had. Archer would go out with Murdstone and make the round of villages. They had completed their transactions in the small village of Estabrook with only 1 person being whipped. Murdstone had taken the duty away from the soldiers if there were fewer than 3 and had given it to Archer (it simply took too much time if there were more than 3.)

Archer had developed a certain method for meting out the lashes that looked worse than they actually were. He felt badly if there were more than 4 being punished as he knew they would not benefit from his method.

As they headed west back to Nottingham Archer trailed behind the others, lost in thought. He was trying to plan a coup. He wanted Murdstone gone, and soon. If he could convince Vaisey to make him Master-at-Arms he could reduce the violence, siphon some of the funds for King Richard (and maybe a bit for himself) and be closer in order to kill Vaisey. Currently he was never alone with the Sheriff and, while he could probably take care of the soldiers, it would simply be easier to do it in private.

He had fallen behind by approximately 50 yards when the troop was caught in a trap. He watched in surprise (and some amusement) as Murdstone and the soldiers were hit from the sides with sturdy balls made of vine and rope. As the men tumbled from their horses they were immediately set upon by a group of 5 men. He reined in his horse and watched the action. The largest of the group got closer to the Master-at-Arms and his men and gave them each a gentle kick. Most of them grunted but did not come 'round.

"Well, that was very effective. Good job, Will." The young shaggy-haired man slapped a taller, younger man on the back. "We may have to make use of this more often."

"Not all the time," whined the blond man. "There's no sport. It is too easy."

"I don't know," said the one with the mop-cap on his unruly hair, "I quite like it."

Archer saw the young man notice him, he sat up straighter in his saddle, but he did not let it rattle him. The young man notched an arrow to his bow and walked slowly toward him.

Archer looked past him to the others and called out, "Are they still out?"

The men shared a look between themselves, glanced at the men on the ground and nodded.

Archer laughed, "Do you all talk in unison?" As he sat his saddle he looked completely relaxed but kept his sword within easy reach. The young man stood in front of his horse, arrow pointed straight at his chest. "Are you Robin Hood?"

He nodded.

"Excellent!" Archer tossed his right leg over the saddle and slid down to the ground. Robin and his men adopted a defensive stance. Archer half-heartedly put his hands up and grinned, "I mean you no harm. I think we could become excellent friends."

Robin simply arched a brow at him.

"Hmmm, not chatty, are you?" Archer dropped his hands. "Alright, I really was hoping we would meet and I am glad it is sooner rather than later."

"What do you want?"

"He speaks! Hallelujah!"

"Enough with the smartass. What do you want?" Robin threatened with the bow again. "And why shouldn't I just shoot you through the heart right now?"

Archer made a 'calm down' gesture with his hands, "I think you will want to be nice with me. I think we can help each other."

"What do you mean 'help'"?

"What do you usually do with the blokes you knock out?" Archer inquired. "Do you take them with you? Just leave 'em here? Kill them?"

"We only kill when we absolutely must."

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