Chapter 10 - Locksley

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Prior to commencing their 8 day trip to Sunderland the Wayfarers made a stop at Locksley Manor. Guy had been the lord of the manor for a number of years; it was his present home, it had been his childhood home. He had been forced to leave it at 14 years of age when he had been accused of lighting the fire that resulted in the deaths of his parents and the father of Robin Hood.

Under cover of darkness, Guy and Genie snuck into the manor to retrieve some of his belongings. Anne went to the stable to harness his second best horse, the best having been left behind at Nottingham Castle. The roan gelding was skittish with Anne, having always been handled by Guy or the young groom of the manor. However, Anne had a way with animals and quickly soothed the horse. As she rubbed the neck of the gelding he started to make soft whinnying sounds. The woman looked behind her and saw Guy, leaning against the door frame of the stable.

"I've never seen him react so well to anyone buy myself or young Thomas." He was gazing at her, his eyes softened, a small smile playing on his lips. "You have a gentle hand."

"My father was a blacksmith," she explained. "I was often called upon to sooth the horses when they were being shod."

Guy pushed himself off of the doorframe and strode forward. He took the bridle and gently scratched the horses' ears.

"What is his name?" Anne asked. She was shocked to see such a gentle side to the man. His size and demeanor gave him an air of menace. However, with the horse he seemed softer, more approachable.

"Zeus," he replied. "He has the heart of a god. Strong and capable, he...he is always ready for a challenge." Guy smiled and looked at Anne. "You couldn't ask for a better partner."

"Yet, you do not use him all the time?"

"He is getting on in age." Guy, by this time, had a broad smile on his face. "But he still has the heart of a champion. A zest for life."

"How is it that you are willing to leave your home?" She was genuinely interested in his response. The pain of leaving her home village was still raw in her chest. "I had no choice but to leave. It was all destroyed." Guy had, of course, been informed of the events in Stradbroke, but he had not put a face to the tragedy. She continued, her features hardening in anger, "Prince John will pay for what he did."

Guy could feel the pain in her voice; he put a hand on her arm, rubbing up and down in a gesture of empathy. "I know what it is like to lose all that you hold dear. I lost my parents in this very house." He shrugged, "Well the house that stood here previously." Anne cocked her head to the side, indicating that he should continue, "I...I accidentally set the house afire." He took a deep breath, and looked down at the ground, "My parents died..." His breath hitched in his throat. "My sister and I were forced to flee. We lost everything."

When he looked up, he was surprised to see tears streaming down the face of the woman facing him. "So, how can you leave it again?"

"It never was, truly, my home. My father was given title to the land by the king in thanks for his unwavering support. But, in truth, it was in the hands of the Earl of Huntingdon. Robin Hood is the rightful lord." A note of bitterness crept into his voice, "Damn him!"

Anne felt compelled to reach out to provide empathy to him. She reached up and touched his cheek. "What you are doing is very noble." She chuckled and grinned, "I'm not saying that I trust you...yet. You have a lot yet to prove. I still am not sure that we should be bringing you along."

"Doubtless you have reason," he smiled and touched her cheek in return.

Watching from the doorway, Genie seethed. She could not believe the hypocrisy she was witnessing. 'You witch!' she thought. 'What are you up to?'

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