Chapter 16 - Away We Go

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By the end of April Catherine's transformation was complete. Her pretend father-in-law was satisfied that she would not embarrass him at court.

A small fortune had been expended to supply her with clothing and jewels, everything a well-bred young woman would naturally be expected to bring for the courtly season in London. As the last of her pieces were being packed away into a band-box she looked around the room she had occupied; it was surprising how quickly a person could become accustomed to a place. Many a late evening had been spent in this room with her friends, planning Genie's upcoming nuptials and simply being girls while they still could.

She was justifiably frightened about all that would come; there was no doubt that she was entering into a potentially fatal errand. She had come to know Squire Richard quite well over the past month and was certain that both he and his father would do all they could to keep her safe. She was concerned about her ability to get friendly with Bartholomew's wife...

'Stop procrastinating woman!' She chastised herself. 'Putting it off isn't going to help, you still have to leave.' With a sigh she turned the door handle and stepped out of the room.

She walked sedately down the corridor, halting briefly at the top of the stairs. As she descended the stairs her friends came into view. She did not make it to the bottom before she was racked by tears.

Richard stepped forward and took her by the elbow, "There, there, my dear. It will be alright."

She looked up at him and smiled through her tears. He led her forward and stopped before Anne, Genie and Guy.

"Our ranks keep dwindling," Anne said, sadness etched across her face. She embraced Catherine tightly, "You are going to do wonderfully." She took a step back, while moving her hands to Catherine's shoulders, "I have all the faith in the world."

Genie made no move to embrace Catherine; her hand was gripping Guy's to the point where the tips of his fingers were turning red. With his free left arm Guy hugged Catherine, "Goodbye. Godspeed. Remember what I told you about your stance; you'll get more reach with your sword if you plant your feet wide apart."

Catherine touched his cheek, smiled and said, "Goodbye you big jerk."

Guy wrenched his fingers from Genie's grip and gave her a nudge toward Catherine. She stood in front of her friend, taking immense gulps of air. They stood and looked at each other. Catherine could not stand it anymore; she lunged forward and engulfed Genie in a hug. The two women sobbed for a moment, then Catherine let her go, turned and left the Great Hall.

In the courtyard Sir Henry was speaking with Lord & Lady Bingham, Bailiff Dewey and Sheriff Canning. They all looked up when Catherine and Richard exited the castle.

Lord Bingham stepped forward, "Ah, my dear. Are you all ready for your adventure?"

"I would hardly refer to it as an adventure my Lord." She arched a delicate eyebrow at him and curtsied deeply.

"Indeed," he chuckled. "I am jealous that you get to run off and engage in high intrigue."

"My Lord," a hardness crept into Catherine's voice, "I do not think this is a subject to be taken lightly. Sir Henry, Richard and I are entering into a very dangerous arena. I would appreciate if you would give it the credit it is due."

Lord Bingham cleared his throat and stammered, "Quite...quite right my dear." He looked at his wife who was regarding him with a look of utmost disdain. "I apologise. Must be my own nerves..."

"Thank you, sir." A smile suddenly broke out across her face. "How was that My Lady?"

Lady Bingham laughed and said, "You are a natural Catherine my dear. You will fit right in at court!"

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