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Guy watched the girl ride into the courtyard and smiled. Pierrette was wild. Not very surprising, considering how much of a spitfire her mother had been. She had grown, at 15 years-old, into a beautiful girl, very much like her mother except in height. 'She isn't a tiny mushroom,' Guy thought to himself.

Every day he thought about Genie. His love still burned, as strong now as the day they married. He had continued the legacy started by Lord Barrow and did brisk trade with The Netherlands. He had managed his holdings honestly. He did not expect his people to do what he couldn't, often putting his own back to the work. 'Except for tilling,' he thought, 'I can never keep the plow straight.'

England was safe. Prince John had completed his goal of having his brother killed. King Richard had been murdered by the priest at Trifels on June 22; 2 days before the death of his brother. Constance and Sir Henry married and acted as co-regents until Arthur came of age 3 years earlier. He was becoming a King to be proud of. He maintained regular contact with Catherine, continuing to call her Lady Cat.

Catherine and Richard were the proud parents of 6 children - 2 boys and 4 girls. They had encountered some difficulty with their estates, having experienced a blight for 2 seasons. However, they dealt with the situation with their unwavering work ethic and sense of responsibility.

Anne entered the study that Guy occupied. "Guy, what in the world are you staring at so intently?"

Guy started, put a hand to his heart and exclaimed, "Jesus Annie!" She hardened her eyes at his use of blasphemy. "You scared me to death."

She rolled her eyes and came to the window to see what he was looking at. She smiled when she saw Pierrette, patiently brushing down her mare.

She and Albert never married. Unfortunately, he joined his niece not 4 months later when he was thrown from his horse. On his death his estate defaulted to someone else appointed by Constance and Anne came home. She still had Guy manage her estate, however she did take an active interest in it. She was content managing Guy's household. She had never wanted much, and she had so much more than she ever thought she possibly could.

"Don't forget that Archer should be arriving tomorrow." She shot Guy a knowing look.

He hung his head and chuckled, "Of course, I forgot. It will be good to see the youngster."

Anne laughed, "Youngster? Oh Guy none of us can lay claim to that any longer."

Guy leaned back in his chair, "You know, Annie. I have been blessed. I found a brother I didn't know about, gained an almost-brother in Robin and I have you and Pierrette." He snatched her hand and kissed the back of it.

"Oh Guy, you are a smooth talker."

From the entryway they heard a sing-song voice call out, "Daddy! Papa!" When she did not get an answer she continued, "Aunty Annie?"

"We are in here, darling," she called out to the girl.

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