Chapter 11 - Sunderland

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Albert Dewey took his role as bailiff to Lord Bingham, the Duke of Sunderland very seriously. At 30 years old, he was the youngest man to ever hold the office in the county. He was a handsome man, tall and lean of limb with warm brown eyes, curly brown hair and an air of grace. It was his duty to travel the county of Tyne and Wear in order to carry out edicts and collect taxes on behalf of the Lord. On this particular day he was making the round of the villages in the countryside around Sunderland. In his company were 2 soldiers and his page.

Turning to the soldiers, Albert said, "Keep your eyes open for brigands. I heard tell of a band of ruffians calling themselves The Wayfarers travelling the country."

"Aye, sir," responded the soldiers.

Dewey's page, a thin lad of 17, asked, "Should we not have brought more soldiers, m'lord?"

Albert reached across to the boy and ruffled his hair, "Don't you worry lad. These fine strong men will keep us safe."

The group continued down the road but were halted by a single boy standing in the roadway. "Pardon me, m'lord," the boy bowed low. "I appear to be lost. Can you direct me to the town of Sunderland?"

Albert was always happy to help wayward travelers, "Certainly lad. We are on our way to that very town. I would be pleased to have you join us."

"Thank you, kind sir." Maddie bowed again and continued, "Might my friends join us?" 4 other 'lads' stepped out from the trees lining the road.

Albert was surprised to find 5 children travelling on their own. He and the soldiers alighted from their mounts and approached the travelers. The women had, over the course of the past weeks, become wary of strangers approaching them. They drew their swords. Albert and the soldiers halted.

"I would not play around with these lads," Albert jumped in fright when he heard the booming voice behind him. He turned around and his face went ashen.

"Guy of Gisborne," he whispered. "Men, arrest that man!" He shouted to the soldiers.

His orders sparked the girls into action; no way were they going to let their companion be taken. Catherine quickly ran past the soldiers, pivoted and halted beside Guy; both had their swords at the ready. Maddie and Moira approached the bailiff.

Albert was young, tall and powerful; regardless the idea of fighting off 4 youths was daunting to him.

Guy was parrying thrusts from the older of the 2 soldiers. He was well trained and gave the knight a challenge. The men circled each other, crouched, ready to pounce. Guy took a large step with his left leg and hacked at the soldier. The soldier made a rolling getaway to the right of Guy and used his momentum to continue rolling into an upright position. He stabbed with his sword, narrowly missing Guy.

Catherine was fighting hard against the other soldier, but was losing ground quickly. She called out for help. Genie ran to where she was just as she stumbled backward, landing hard on her back. Genie's quick response took the soldier by surprise and she landed a glancing blow to his left arm and took a quick step back. He paused briefly, as he slowly turned Genie felt her blood run cold. The hatred in the soldiers' eyes was black as night. They almost glowed with his fury. "You die," he growled.

Out of the corner of his eye Guy saw the standoff between Genie and the soldier. Years of experience gave him insight into various fighting stances. He knew what the postures meant. The soldier was advancing on Genie. Guy turned to his opponent and attacked. His fear for Genie spurred him to an unrelenting assault on the soldier. All the man could do was block as many blows as possible. Guy continued to advance until he had the soldier backed up against a tree. With one final shout he ran the soldier through.

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