chapter 1: Let's see if you live

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8:49 PM

Lucifer's study

"May I come in?" Ethan's voice came from the entrance of Lucifer's study's entrance.

"As you wish." Lucifer replied with or any emotions.

"Hmmm .... Then I think I am gonna cause this might be the last time I'll be talking. You'll kill me right after the game is launched right?"

Lucifer smiled at his human friend." You are smart. Yes that is my know my reason?"

Ethan turned towards the book shelf. His blond hair looked highlighted due to the moonlight. He was the only human alive in this huge castle of Lucifer's. He had no idea what his devil master is thinking but he always hides his questions.... He knew Lucifer could read his mind if he wants. Ethan was a fairly good looking guy.... He was nicknamed the blond Adam Levine. He looked up at some classic novels and said " I  have my own theories. There are many reasons why you would do that. One of them is , I know too much. Obviously. After you, I might be the only one who knows the real darkness of this game of yours."

Lucifer's voice became light and he said " that is one of the reasons. Maybe the most biggest. But another of them is I want to kill you before someone else does. Despite of all the times you have helped me  you are just a human. I am almost immortal. I can't trust the game's information on such fragile body. I know that at one point this game will possess you too . and maybe it may hurt you... You see? I have my own ways of caring but don't forget, I don't have a heart. Thus my plan is more important than you" Lucifer smiled.

You are devil for a reason. I have never underestimated you but I can't deny you confuse me . I never got your motive behind making this game ". Ethan said laughing.

Lucifer smiled " it is a secret ....I know my motive very well... I know what I am doing. How long till the game launches?"

Ethan turned to face Lucifer and smiles " you mean how much time till my death? I say like 2 minutes..."

Lucifer was twigging his finger with a little red colored glass duck on his desk" Ethan you know than this duck contains the last drops if my blood .... I didn't bother to save my own life and you are hoping I would save yours? "
Ethan smiled " I never said that. I am not even worth spending the last minutes of my life with you.... I m just a human while you are one of the seven sinners ".
" I  am one of the seven sinners and the only one who never left the path of darkness. But I owe you for something that I can't explain . " Lucifer grimaced.
Ethan replied " you have too many secrets buddy."

Lucifer looked up at the guy standing by his desk. He was gonna kill him yet Ethan had light in his eyes. His cheerful behaviour never left him. Sometimes he was jealous of Ethan and his cheerfulness but then he remembered how much he had taken from him.... He owed Ethan for never leaving him. All of a sudden Lucifer made a decision." Fine I am not killing you but I want you to stay with guards all the time cause you are precious cargo to me." Lucifer smiled.

Ethan's eyes widened up " what?.... How?...... Why are...... I....emmm. .... You.....really????"
Lucifer laughed " stop stammering ...damn! Yup I am savin you for myself . I am the selfish devil after all. Calm down and focus. The game is launched . people are already biding for the game."

Lucifer pointed towards the huge screen that showed stats of the productivity of the game.

Ethan said " but Lucifer ....they are biding for the part of Rosaline summers ..."

Lucifer growled and smacked his fists on the desk when he noticed what Ethan was saying." NO!!! That part is reserved!!! Didn't I made my plan fucking clear?!?!!?! This is outrageous..!!!!! This will destroy the whole plan?!?!?  Ethan santois !!! Will you do something before I lose my fucking mind?!??! "
Ethan backed some steps. He never liked angry Lucifer and was always scared of him at that point " calm down ....I'll do something but before that ...lemme get this straight. This game has only one main character and that is Rosaline summers. And that part is specially for Andriana Lockwood? Also the part of  Zayn Alexander Malik is given to who so ever  bids the highest for that. All the other parts and characters in the game will automatically divide to people based on the real life connection of Rosaline and Zayn's character holders. Like Andriana's father in real life may become her father in the game or maybe her other relative depending on her relationship and feelings with her."
Lucifer took a deep breath and said " ya. You're right. Also don't forget that the entire world will take part in the or poor... "

Ethan's face serious, " and after some time the world might get possessed by this game right?"

Lucifer chuckled " Ethan ....why are you so smart ???  Sometimes I think you can overthrow me. But yes , this ga!e will possess the world after some Time . and you know what will happen after that. You can go now. Enjoy that you're still alive and please deal with the biding of Rosaline summers. That part is reserved!!"
  Ethan turned around and left  for the door. At the door he bowed down and said " it will all be taken care of ..... And Lucifer..... Thank you. "
With that he closed the door . Lucifer turned the hands of the black clock on his desk and said " Andriana let's see if your trinity will help you with this... Let's see if you live."

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