chapter 16: Fuck pain! I want him to die!

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Hobi: you have to keep in mind that humans and animals are not the only sole creatures on earth. The books in your library about vampires and magical people are not just imagination. They are truthful facts , and the authors of those books might have witnessed encounters with them.

The boys and I are also different from humans. We all have different powers and abilities. I, for example, can calm control and instruct your mind. Yoongi hyung has specialty in controlling the dark kinds of magic and potions . Jin hyung is a healer and a master in transfiguration knowledge. Namjoon Hyung has all the information about different kinds of magic thus  he has mastered the art of possession. Jimin is a werewolf, actually alpha. Taehyung is a vampire, and can read minds . An jungkook.... To be honest we don't know.

Me: you don't know? What do you mean?

Hobi: jungkook is different. Unlike us, his powers are hereditary. But his father is not as powerful as him. He was born with his abilities. But us, well we get them after after we mastered them or we had encounters with other creatures. Tae , Jimin and yoongi hyung were attacked , thus you can say they transformed. They didn't choose this path. But the others did. Jungkook also have no choice. He has a wizard father and a human mother. His father abandoned his mother after he found out that she was pregnant. But when jungkook was born, his mother sensed something different about him. Nevertheless, she took care of him but she became weak. How could she survive after going birth to such baby. When her health got worse, she contacted Jungkook's father for the last time. He came to visit them and that's when he noticed something different about jungkook. After the death of his mother, he took full responsibility of jungkook. As the years past , he has become fond of the boy whom he once thought as a " mistake".

He trained jungkook to control and defend himself. But as you know , sometimes the beast inside a man escapes his body. One of those times was today, when you found him. He is not dangerous Andriana, he is just different. We all are, and we can do nothing about it. You have been with us for a year now, are you still scared?

Me: hobi.... This is weird an-

Hobi: I know it is , weird, but not impossible. I am telling you the truth. Please believe me.

Me: i saw the truth hobi. I saw jungkook sucking on a boy today.

Hobi: it's kinda your fault....
Me: my fault?!? How the heck?!?
Hobi: you and jungkook are paired. He can't drink blood from anyone except you. He has controlled his thirst for a year an today he couldn't. So he went out for feeding, but you came in his way.
Me: paired?
Hobi: ahh yes!! You don't remember. Well.... You remember how your friendship started ?
Me: hmm.... I fell from a building as he was the one who called the ambulance. After that, he visited me everyday and we eventually became friends. What about that?
Hobi: that's not the complete thing. When you fell, he found you. You had lost enough blood and the ambulance would take almost 15 minutes to reach there. Till then you could even die. Thus he gave you his blood as his blood is different. He didn't knew the consequences, but when he told this accident to us, namjoon told him what it might result. Either you both will become bonded or you will become a vampire. He visited you everyday to make sure you didn't had any side effects. After some time , he noticed that you guys were bonded. Physically and mentally.

Me: I drank his blood???!?!!!?!???! What?!??! Why why why!!
Hobi: you had lost too much blood .
Me: so he decided to take a chance. What if I changed into a vampire.
Hobi: he didn't knew what would happen if he did that. He never did it before ,but he read about it. At that time , your life mattered the most to him. And  I guess we should be fortunate that you didn't change.

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