chapter 11 : Creepy ass stalker

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I opened my eyes . My sister, Lily came in my room.

Lily: Good morning, I found this letter on the front door. Its for you, From ofcourse, Reece. I don't get what you see in him , But anyway, don't forget .... we have to go to the Royal Hall today.

Rosaline: I love him . And he loves me too. Thats all that makes us stronger everyday. And i really don' t wanna go there. I don't like when everyone stares at us just because our cousin married one of the high nobles in the kings court.

Lily: Ahh! thats the thing , who knows , Maybe some rich noble falls for us too. Maybe we can marry him and live in the Royal Palace.

[Computer: Your choices are-
1) Agree

Ri: Who tf will agree to that statement?!]

Rose: Filled with blood suckers and dark magic possessors? No thankyou, I am happy with Reece.

Lily: Comeon, Rose. He is fine for all the fun you want, But for marriage? He doesn't has what it takes to keep you happy and satisfied.

Rosaline didn't reply. Instead , she got off her bed and got dressed to meet Reece. She knew where he would be. They have always met there, since they were children. The old barn was filled with their memories with each each other. As expected, Reece was already there .

 As expected, Reece was already there

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(Ri: WHY JIMIN?!?)

A feeling of warmth rushed in her body when he came near her and touched her cheek. Rose smiled as he pulled her into his embrace.

Reece: I heard you have an invitation to the Great Celebrations tonight.

Rose: Hmm. But I don't want to go...

Reece: (Smiling) Well you have to right? You can't ingore the king

Rose: I know! I hate this stupid rule. I hate this place , I hate the king-

Reece: Shhhh..... You shouldn't do this. You know they are are vampires. Who knows how long their ears can hear. And there is no need to hate everything , I am always with you. Its not a rule, Its the tradition. He is the king , and its his birthday. Just make sure that eyes don't linger at my girl.

Rose: I'll be disgusted if those dark souls see me in any way.

Reece: We have to get on with the fact that we live in a world with such creatures. Its not just us humans anymore. And vampires are the race that we should stay away from. Even the werewolves are afraid of them. Thats why the king is also a vampire. Please rose, Don't misbehave there, If some noble saw you speaking ill of the king or anyone, You and your loved ones will be in trouble. I don't wanna loose you too.

Rose: You miss him a lot right?

Reece: Yeah, how couldn't I? He is my brother. I feel sorry for him, I wish i could've done something to save him

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