chapter 3: Cleaning a chicken's house is no fun!

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11:12 pm

{Jack's library}


Jack lockwood voice filled the air of their large mansion. He was swinging the wine glass losely while starring at a box, whose contents he knew . Being one of the biggest business man of the decade , this box was one of the biggest achievements that he had ever received.

And he felt more proud that this was the property of his daughter Andriana. Innocent , as she was, having no idea about what was delivered to her doorstep.

Jack adored Andriana but in the matters of business he never fails to put her personality into use. There was something about her that attracted the deals. Like a cat calling customers in the shop, Andriana was wonderful in making the dealers sign the a contract. Her personality was passionate about her work.

This box..... it contains the thing that all the world has been fighting for the past week. And the fact that it was reserved by the company just for Andriana , was the reason that Jack's name was all over the news. He was overwhelmed and proud. Andriana's voice rang in his ears

"Did you call for me dad?"

he smiled ," sit down sweetie."

He brushed his almost grey hair away from his face, thinking about how to tell her about this . She had never liked such gifts. She felt that these were like treats given to street dogs. But this was not a treat, this a GIFT for her hard work.. This was something new, something unique.

"Dad, i have a whole project to do!!" Andriana's voice cutted through his thoughts. He raised his head to have a look at her.

Tall, Red hair that suited her personality, feirce and smooth.Her beautiful face was decorated with light makeup. She has taken after her mother , personality and look - wise.

" I have something to show you. Have you seen the news lately?" Jack asked her while burning his ciggarette.

"no i didn't had the time to. Anything important???" She asked with a serious face wondering if any of the business deals had went wrong.

Jack smiled again," No, Everything is fine sweetie. do you remember the popular game that had been released recently?"

" The Dark and Dangerous game you mean? Ugh, Dad if you called me here to ask about the final results then i have no idea."

Jack blew out a smoke ring and said," No , I called you here to give you this."

He hands her the box. Andriana tried to figure the contents while jack says," You got the main part. Its a gift to you for the huge deal you made with the japanese company."

Andriana gasps." OMG !!! DAD THANKYOU!!! THANKYOU SOOO MUCH !......but---"

Jack took hold of the notepad she was carrying . Almost all the information bout the recent business deals were in there. "Take a break, Andriana. You are just 18 . go PLAY for a while."

Watching her face lighten up was the best feeling in the world to Jack. He felt like he wasn't able to give her this happiness in years.

He spoke again,"Pack you bags. You will be leaving for california tomorrow to meet the other player. Forget about work for a while. I know your office must be neatly arranged so that anyone can fine any files."

Andriana gave up her serious business personality and jusmped like a six year old girl." This is utterly the most amazing gift , Dad.!!"

She turned around for leaving but then faced her father again and pulled the cigarette out of his mouth," I don't like when you do this to yourself. Don't try another one for a while." She threw his cigarette holder in the dustbin and gave him a lollipop "Have this instead. Addiction to this will result just in the dentist room not in the operation room."

She left without another word. Jack smiled to himself, he didn't told her how important this box was profession wise. To her it was just a game but to him it was a higher step.

Little did he know someone was listening to his talk with Andriana.

Just outside the window , their garderner was listening to everyword. Robert eyes widened with Jack's every word.

"Lucifer made his move.....And rosaline doesn't even know what this is! She has no idea what she is walking into! I promised to save and protect her but..... I FAILED .... I have to inform her soon about what powers he is carrying ....UGH!! finally i can quit this job , cleaning the chicken hen is so no fun."

He left for Jack's office to hand his resignation letter and then for the secret office to discuss this game issue with his fellow workers.

Still it can be seen that none of them has any idea about what this game is going to become in the future.







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