chapter 42: We can't be the saviors every time!

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Everything was upside down. No one had an idea about what to do next. The headmaster left right after he got the news about Lucifer's clan being on the campus. He didn't said anything, just nodded at the Namjoon and Andriana. Along with Professor Regina, 17 other students were missing. One of them being Mark.

Andriana had screamed on everyone to form a rescue team and go save him. Something jungkook was very reluctant to do.

" GO WHERE??" shouted Jungkook" I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS YOUR 'BEST FRIEND' WE ARE TALKING ABOUT, but we cant risk OUR lives too!"

"You have changed!! Now you are just a selfish bitch!!"


"Stop fighting!! Jungkook, think of mark as your own friend. Andriana is just sad. But he is also right dear. We dont even know where they are." Jin said, putting some sense into their systems.

"I do"

Everyone turned towards the voice, Chanyeol.

" I mean. I can follow his mind, IF you allow, Andriana.I just need a map of the area. "

Hoseok quickly ran towards the bookshelf and took out a thick book.

"Think of it as an Atlas of the magic world. this right here is the cloud above east London, that is us. This is the zoomed view of the academy . We are surrounded by the forest on two sides. One huge cloud field on other. The area behind the academy is a cliff range."

Everyone looked at the map which looked like the miniature of their world. Chanyeol closed his eyes and focused . Slowly, his hands traced the boundaries of the academy and hoseok spoke again," The red line shows the magical boundaries set by Professor Regina. On the full moon, she makes new ones , but she checks and strengthens them every week. That why there is no way they can be inside the boundaries . They are made by keeping Lucifer's clan in mind."

Everyone nodded and waited for Chanyeol to point some secret hideout place for the entrance. Hoseok was the first one to decline when Chanyeol pointed to the cliff range.

" Thats impossible! They can't possibly find any entrance to the academy area from there! Professor Regina has boundaries made  far away from the cliff. Almost 10 km. Even if they did came from there, they must be hiding outside the boundaries right? They should be hiding in deep waters then!"

Chanyeol opened his eyes and said," I can see them. They are in some cave or something. Dark and moist. But they haven't left yet. If we leave, we might be able to get to them."

Hoseok protested again," You don't understand! That is guarded by the boundaries. They cant come in from there! I think there has been a mistake. Try to connect to him again and -"

Namjoon and Yoongi came in the room at that moment. The moment he came, yoongi flopped on the couch. They both had left to see what they can do.

"17 students are gone. Some of them were the ones who bullied Chanyeol."

Chanyeol looked up from the map," You mean , the vampire council is also kidnapped??"

Namjoon nodded," Looks like it. The vampire students have a different area in the academy to themselves because their magic has been considered black magic since years. Hydrone academy is the only academy which has vampire students with other students too. Hobi's grandfather is taking a huge risk. He believe that their magic is just half-impure. But the Royal vampires have been using their magic the wrong way. Bullying basically. It seems as if they were bullying yet again today, and they were near boundaries. The boundaries are made my Regina's pure magic. So when their half-impure magic clashed with her magic, the boundaries became weak. Which gave Lucifer's clan a chance to attack with their dark magic to completely destroy the boundaries. Regina felt that something was wrong, so she went to check. Thus, she was taken too. "

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