chapter 36: everyone's butt was on fire

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{4:40 am}
{Common room}


Breathe again.

Just breathe.

" Hoseok for god's sake stop breathing in my neck like a tornado!!!"

" Sorry yoongi hyung. Andriana are you sure we can trust him? I mean we are wasting time just waiting here. We could go and look for him again."

Andriana sighed and siped the tea she was given by taehyung," I don't know. Look, we already searched for him all over the place. We should wait for a bit. It's almost morning now. If we still don't find him, let's go tell some Professor about this ok."

Yoongi snorted," wake me up when morning comes..... Or don't"

They waited for another ten minutes until she heard some noise from outside. They all went out to check and saw Chanyeol with a thin boy. Hyena? He sure looked like a hyena. Thin and sly looking. Not scared of the huge man by his side, he had a permanent smirk on his face which angered them all.

Andriana spoke first," Guys this is Chanyeol. My new friend."

" Who tried to eat you." Added taehyung. Chanyeol glared at him.

Chanyeol changed his gaze to Andriana and said," I am sure I saw him with your friend but he won't open his mouth."

Andriana looked at him and he smirked again. Slightly triggered she said," Look here mr. Smirky guy. You have our friend and we need him back. If you don't tell us then we might tell the professor incharge of you."

The guy scoffed.

Andriana tried again," You see this guys over here ? He is a grim reaper, so you better-"

Yoongi interrupted her," HEY! don't get me in this. I am tired already and I can't use my powers right now to torture this... This... What the fuck are you? This weird human looking creature. I have no problem in letting jungkook wait."

Andriana continued," He WILL use his powers. Tear you or anything-"

Chanyeol laughed," seriously?"

Andriana had enough. She had to show them. She lunged at the hyena and he landed on his back with Andriana on top of him.





She slapped him again with the boys behind her, eyes wide. The so called hyena looked at Chanyeol screaming ," HELP ME!"

Chanyeol shrugged and Andriana slapped him again." Don't look at him !! LOOK AT ME!! FUKING LOOK AT ME YOU VERMIN! TELL ME WERE JUNGKOOK IS!!"

"ok ok!! I am sorry!! I will tell you everything!"

Jimin pulled Andriana off the poor man. He stood up and rubbed his swollen cheek. Slowly, he spoke in fear," He is the potion room. They might practice stuff on him. He fighted with one of the prefects when he wasn't allowed to find something he lost. He should know. That place a forbidden is only for the slyroin prefects.Its his fault."

Andriana slapped him again," NO ONE ASKED FOR YOUR OPINION!!"

Hoseok touched her and she calmed a little," Now now .... Calm down. We have to get him."
"Get him? You just wait.. I WILL BLOW UP THE DAMN ROOM!Chanyeol, lead the way."

Chanyeol hesitated but started walking when Andriana glared. Everyone followed , wondering whether she will blow up the place.

{40 minutes later}

Ok. She did it. She blew the place. Nothing to explain. End of story.

To be exact , the boy lead them to the so called potion room, and when Andriana saw the entrance, she wipped out her wand and smirked.

The next thing they know was Andriana setting everything on fire. Jungkook was in the front, tied and unconscious. The moment she saw him, she flipped of. She blew every flask of potion in the room, not expecting any reaction. But instead, the potions started to burst like fireworks. Andriana just stood there watching the shit unfold and sending sparks to all corners of the room. She didn't stopped until she made sure that each of the prefects had their butts burned.

When they all left, she hides her wand again. While she was untying jungkook, taehyung whispered screamed,


Andriana smiled. " Headmaster is teaching me. Lesson number 7: ' How to control magic sparks'. They are very useful."

She allowed Jace to take care of the ruined room, while taehyung and jimin took jungkook. Once in the common room, yoongi and hoseok worked their magic on the unconscious jungkook. He slowly opened his eyes and scanned everyone. Once his eyes landed on Andriana he quickly leaped off the chair and hugged her.

" Ri!! I am sorry. I didn't mean it. It was just so sudden of you to-"

Andriana pushed him. She pushed the boy she loveD. Everyone was looking at them. She took a deep breath and said," Look jungkook, what I did right now was just for friendship. From today onwards, I will give up my feeling for you. I don't want to cry and suffer because of you again and again. I am fed up. I want to become a better person so that I have more options other than you. Don't take this the wrong way, but ....... I really don't want to talk to again. Don't mind if I start to ignore you. Because that's what I want. Some might say that I am stupid to do this. But think about it, I had always loved you but you push me away. How long am I gonna ignore others for your sake? Ignore myself? Everytime you do something like that, I wonder if there is something wrong with me. And that's wrong. To hate myself because of you. So I end this here. Hopefully we stay friends once I am comfortable with you again. Good night."

And she left. Everyone was silent. Chanyeol slowly left the room I, shocked. Jungkook just gaped at her door. Yoongi broke the silence

" Well what a rock bottom."

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