chapter 31: she doesn't seem to have the right intentions

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Andriana woke up with a huge tentacle thing poking her. she slowly rubbed her eyes, and jumped up when she saw a branch from the tree outside her window poking her. She remembered closing the window very well, yet this thing was in her room. She looked at the branch closely and noticed a paper stuck on it. Slowly, she held her hand out and the branch lowered down and dropped the paper on andriana's hand with a small flower.

She smiled, wondering who might this be. Her mind went to jungkook and she blushed hard. She opened the folds of the paper to find a unfamiliar and formal writing.

Dear Andriana,
Today I will take you on a little trip, so please wake up and get ready and be present in my office by 9 am. Please wake the others as they also have classes with their teachers. Enjoy your breakfast in peace cause we wont be returning until dusk.
Stay prepared.
Park Hyunkshik.

She metally slapped herself. Imagining stuff about jungkook wont make anything happen. Disappointment took over in a minute, as she rememebered that he hadn't done anything different since the night they kissed. She agreed that to much had happened since that day, but she expected him to be a little different. He was acting like nothing happened and andriana wondered if it was all a dream.

Shaking her head, she went to the jungkook's room. Taehyung was also in his room as they both had something to discuss last night. She studied his face for a while. He looked somehow tired even though it was their second day. But then she remeembered that he knows more than her about this situation , so there might be something else bothering him.

Slowly, she shaked him.
no response.
no response.
cheek pinching.
no response.
Ruffled his hair.
no response.
It got annoying for her as she was getting late.

Jk: dndjgnwj
Jk: stop shouting
Ri: then get up. We all have early classes today. The headmaster send a message .
Jk: UGHH!!

She pushed taehyung before heading towards jimin's room. Jimin , however , was not in his bed. He was gong through his luggage.

Jimin: good morning.
Ri: good morning. You woke up early?
Jimin: I didn't slept. I had some work to do. I heard you sreaming at jungkook. I will get ready.

Andriana smiled at him and left the room. She thought about going to jungkook's room again just to check on him but then ,shrugging, she went to her room, towards the bathroom and had a quick shower. She thought about her outfit for a while but as the headmaster said about going on a trip, she quickly made her mind.

Tying her hair in a ponytail, she went to the lounge outside. She saw jimin on one of the chairs , reading a book. When he heard her coming, he looked up and beckoned her to come closer.

Jimin: This book contains a lot of spells. Actually easy as hell. Wanna try?
Ri: We will end up burning the entire room , jimin.
Jimin: Its actually simliar to the hot coco you gave us last night.

Slightly interested, she took he book and sat on another chair. After almost 20 minutes, she looked up at jimin, who was reading another book.

Ri: What are these two doing ??
Jimin: Are they even awake? Wait , I'll go check-
Ri: No , let me. I will pratice this spell on them , if they are still not ready.

She headed towards jungkook's room, and was greeted by silence...... except the silent snores of jungkook. She clenched her jaw and looked at the two , sleeping soundly. Annoyed and angry, She decided to give it a try.

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