chapter 45: bad vibes

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" What Now?"

A good and a valid question indeed. Namjoon was the one with all the focus. He studied everyone's faces while Jungkook tugged on his shirt to plead him to do something quick. He was worried about Andriana now. Just like it always was the case. She got hurt, he got worried. Namjoon , however, took all the time in the world.

After some time he heaved a sigh and then moved a small stone from its place on the ground. A stone. A small stone. And suddenly the wall in front of them collapsed , making them face to face with a huge group of about 60 strigoi's.  14 of them vs. 60 of those dark blooded creature.

Someone from the crowd went , "Fantastic."

Without a second wasted they all launched themselves forward. Andriana stayed behind as she didn't want to mess up. She was injured and there wasn't much she could do. If she did something, she had a feeling that she would mess it up. She tried to look for Mark and Jimin but couldn't see them anywhere.

But then she notices a narrow pass way by her left. She looked back to ask someone to check there but everyone was busy

"If there is something in there, I'll tell everyone."

Using her wand, she produced a small light ball and went forward. It was a very small walk and soon she smelled something different.Blood. She stayed behind the wall in case someone was inside. She could hear some breathing now but it may be Mark and Jimin. So she took a stone from the ground and threw it.

No response.

Slowly, she peeked inside and her eyes popped out. More blood. The students. Professor Regina. Open wounds. Too much to handle. She looked at Jimin who looked back at her with tired eyes. His head hanging low, teeth mark on his arms and neck . He tried to say something but couldn't say it out loud. Everyone was in the same the same condition, tied and bleeding. Some were not even tied up. They were on the floor, eyes closed and bodies incompatible to even move an inch.

The surrounding made her head dizzy. Everyone was fighting outside. How can she get them all out alone? Should she run to Chanyeol? But Jimin's eyes were pleading her. Pleading what? To save him? yes.

She has to save him. That's what she has come here for. There wasn't much to do. She only has to untie them. Then she could go and ask for help. She came out from behind the wall and ran forward to untie him.

And thats when she saw it. Her life flashing right in front of her eyes. A group of strigois were there in front of her, in a huge number that she didn't had the time or courage to count. Their eyes flashed as they lunged at her. A scream came out of her mouth as she clutched tight on her wand.

{Jungkook's P.O.V}

A scream echoed. I was busy handling two strigois when a bell rang in my head.

Its a familiar voice.

Its Andriana.

I turned around the cave but I couldn't see her anywhere. Panic came over me as I screamed,

"HYUNG! Andriana is missing!!"

Chanyeol heard that in a flash and lost his focus. A strigoi threw his large frame at the wall. Namjoon hyung ran towards him and gave me a look, pointing towards the background. I nodded and looked at Chanyeol. He tried to stand up but failed. I stared at him for a while before he nodded. Quickly, I turned around wondering how I need someone else's permission to look for Andriana. The girl who was practically my everything.

I went back to where we started since i remember I last saw her here. Did she went back to the latter group? I hope so. I was going to run outside to look for her but then I noticed  a narrow passage. I felt bad vibes from in there. Andriana is stupid. She could have.....

I went inside , hoping to find her safe and sound. But I found myself looking at Jimin hyung and everyone else. I searched around the cave. Disgusting blood, green liquid , silver bodies of strigois and then finally, I saw her.


I screamed running to her bleeding body.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2019 ⏰

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