chapter 30: Animal STD

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Yoongi: then why the fuck are you still alive?
Tae: Yah! That's rude!
Jimin: The most weirdest thing! I thought I was gonna die but then all of a sudden I noticed that I was on the holy ground and oh , I was screaming like a ghost.
Ri: I am getting sleepy . Will you continue?


Jimin was screaming with all his might. The birds must think that he was a crazy seagull. His mind couldn't think straight and he didn't even realise when his body touched the ground . He was just screaming until he felt professor Malcolm's big finger poking him. He slowly lowered his frequency while looking around.

Jimin: I am alive?
Prof.Malcolm: No joke , Sherlock. Did you expect me to kill you on the first day??
Jimin: I am very thankful for that. Correct me if I am wrong, but is that police sirens that I am hearing?
Prof. Malcolm: Well yeah. Get-up! We are at the wrong place at the wrong time. There has been a robbery and -

At that moment three police cars surround them and officers come out with guns in their hands. With strict voice they say," Hands behind your back!"

Jimin: nonono!! You got the wrong guys!! I saw him run that way!
" Tounge in your mouth!"
" No John look!"
" Hang on! Is that a -"

The officer didn't even finish his sentence when he was interrupted with a loud roar.

Jimin: lion.
Prof. Malcolm: Well London is much more interesting than I thought it to be .

While the police's attention was towards the lion, professor Malcolm grabbed jimin's hand and they apparated. They were right in front of the zoo, and suddenly a deer came running towards jimin. He quickly shifted saving his head.

Jimin: why is everyone coming out of the zoo?
Prof. Malcolm: presumably the erumpent went inside and is creating a ruckus.

They quickly ran inside the zoo. Following the familiar grunts of the erumpent, they found her near the elephant, almost ripping the poor creature into pieces.

Jimin: That's.... Attractive
Prof. Malcolm: she is trying to get his attention. Male erumpents are usually strong so they response with a more dangerous move, but this elephant is unable to do so.

He opens a flask bottle and jimin scrunched his nose. The smell was pungent. Out of curiosity, he looked into the flask. A brown liquid was shining in there.

Prof. Malcolm: this is fake erumpent essence. Professor Regina specially made it . For dangerous situations obviously.

He carefully took a small drop and handed the flask to jimin.

Jimin: that's it?
Prof. Malcolm: : that's enough to make her go crazy.

With no further exchange of words, he went towards the erumpent. Due to the smell of the so called fake essence, he gained her attention. With a blink of jimin's eye, he was doing a mating dance which was more interesting due to his size. Jimin just stood there, cheeks puffed, trying his best not to laugh.

He didn't notice that a deer came towards him, almost knocking him down. He regained his focus, but accidentally spilled the entire flask contents on himself.

Jimin: EWWW. This is the worst moment of my libfe. God this smell! Aish!
Prof. Malcolm: RUN!!

Jimin looked up and saw the erumpent focus on him. He must be smelling totally heavenly to her as her horn turned orange. Her eyes sparkled and she prepared herself to run towards him. Professor Malcolm's awkward dance went unappreciated in a minute. Jimin's eyes widened almost running out of their sockets. He hadn't yet recieved his wand from te headmaster which made the situation worse. With no other visible option, he ran towards no where in particular. As professor Malcolm raised his wand , it got swiped away from his hand. He looked up and saw a baboon running away with his wand.

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