chapter 23: Thug life

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NJ:This game is not for normal teenage fun.It is made by Lucifer. One of the 7 sinners. Have you heard the story about the 7 sinners?

Ri: no..

NJ: Well its a long story , but i'll make it short.About 5000 years ago, there were 7 dictators. They murdered people mercilessly. To stop them, a group of powerful magicians cursed them. They would lead their life as little particles of dust till they have realized how evil they were. Six of those seven sinners, worked hundreds of years to pay for their crimes. Finally, the almighty forgave them and transformed them into magical souls. Now those six sinners live on some part of the Earth. They die like normal humans, but they always come back with a rebirth. This is a part of their punishment, as once a sinner always a sinner. They never got rid of their memories, so they spend their lives with guilt of the deaths and hate for themselves. Even if they fall in love with someone, they will see that person suffer and die in front of them while they continue this endless loop of the Almighty's punishment.

Ri: The Almighty is cruel.

NJ: He has his reasons. But one of those seven sinners , went the wrong way . Instead of spending his time to pay for his sins, he learned to be more strong through some alternate ways. Slowly, day by day, he transformed from a dust particle to the most evil being on earth. He wanted to take revenge from the Almighty.

Ri: Lucifer?

NJ: Yeah. He tried to fight with the other six sinners. Lucifer had become so strong that the six of them were not enough for him. He was almost gonna win. He thought that his years for hard work and patience paid off. But thats when humans stepped into the scene. They  started wars with nuclear weapons . Thats when Lucifer lost many of his best commanders and warriors. When he lost his supporters , the six sinners took over. But they couldn't kill him. They spend so many years to overcome the murders they had done before. They could not do one more. So they made a huge part of Earth sink, just to create a hell for  Lucifer. The legend says he lives their as the King of Hell, Satan.

Ri: The last part was too much like.... fantasy.

NJ: Thats whats was written in books. But eye-witness have said that they just send send him to an alternate world. Like a mirror world. Thus, Hell and heaven are both on earth. They are a part of earth, but we just have to notice.

Ri: Where is heaven?

NJ: The almighty hides heaven well. But as they say, people who please The almighty get to visit heaven. As for Lucifer, in all these years he had learnt to sneak in earth. He has a great mind , just if he used it in a good way. He has his own human supporters here , One of them is Ethan.

Ri: Ethan!??! The one who-

NJ: Yep. Exactly. He is very important to Lucifer for some reason. Now, your mother seemed to have taken something from Lucifer. Something that helped him to come out of the Mirror world. Thus he cant come here now. After he killed your mom, he discovered that she had hid whatever she stole from him. He suspects you have it . So slowly, day by day, he plans to hurt you through this game. One day or other, you may speak or do something that will be helpful to him. If you don't , he will simply kill you.

Ri: But i don't have anything..

NJ: You 'think'  you dont have it. It is with you. Somewhere you dont know . Your mother was a unique woman. She would just give it to you. 

NJ: Jungkook and you are blood bonded. You frank his blood and he drank yours. You are human and this blood bond is very rare between humans and vampires. But as Jungkook and your blood is unique , you both match. Like made for each other .(smiles)

Ri: but I am not a vampire.

NJ: Neither is he. Well not completely . His mark is on your neck and yours is on his chest. In these four years, the marks kind of faded . But when you two met again, they came back. I'm not sure what those marks mean, but for now lets say the are a sign you both are bonded.

Now there is this academy in west Europe. The Hydrone Magic Academy.

Ri: jin oppa told me about it.

NJ: Good. we decided to go there to learn more about Lucifer and his powers. The best wizards teach there and The most highly protected books with restricted knowledge are there too. The headmaster there is the Great-grandson of one of the six sinners. And hoseok is the grandson of the headmaster, which makes him-

Ri: A descendant of one of the six sinners!!

NJ: Right. You're catching up very good. Hoseok is very good at magic. He has the genes. This academy polishes young and untrained wizards . Everyone there knows about you. After all you  are the daughter of Lemiese. I advice you to pay attention to whatever they teach you. Hobi  talked to his grandfather , and he assured us that one of the best teachers will teach you, as we have very less time.

Thats it. We have to leave tomorrow. Any questions?

Ri: No, but i wanna know what happened today. The manual, the game....

NJ: OH *laughs* Its quite a serious thing but I just can't believe we did it.

You see, we had to take you there. But if you would go there while the game continues then you are gonna turn weak. Moreover, someone might notice we have been going somewhere. So the game had to pause. The manual of the game is written by Lucifer himself. Handwritten word of the devil. It has everything about the game. Without it, the game can't go on. So i suggested we steal it . So last night, Me and the boys, except jungkook as he was with you, Sneaked into the game building . Hobi and yoongi cleared our way from guards. Jin hyung took care of the cameras.  Tae and Jimin accompanied me to the room where the manual was kept. They searched all the computer for any copies of the manual while I hacked the security system to get the manual. So I stole it. *laughs*

Ri: Just like that?

NJ: Well It was difficult but we managed. Now I am gonna handle the manual till they teach you.

Ri: What if the make a new one?

NJ: I dont think they can. Lucifer won't remember exactly what he wrote. And if he does make a second manual, then the whole game may change. And his years of planning will be a waste. Moreover, he is gonna slaughter them for losing the manual. They won't make a new one. They'll just try to trace the original one.

Ri: what if they find it .... with you!!

NJ: (smiles) Its in my hands, nothing to worry about.

Ri: then later, you'll just give it to them?

NJ: no , of course not. We'll sneak in again and keep it back as secretly as we stole it.

Ri:  -_- Thug life . 

Namjoon laughed and Andriana joined him too.

NJ: I think you should go and pack now.

Ri: Oh yes!! I'll go now. Thank you oppa, for everything. See you at dinner.

Andriana smiled once more before reaching for the door.

Andriana: Its gonna be difficult from now onwards.

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