chapter 2: Bring me his disloyal heart

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5:50 pm

{Daniel's office/study }

Daniel Campbell was walking down his study again.. An this was the fifth time today. He was desperately waiting for one particular person to call him. His heart raced when he saw that one name on the phone screen. Eagerly he picked the call and said" Any news jace?"

Jace's cold voice greeted him" Lot of news.... first there was some kind of deal with rosaline summers. But it was dealed with . Someone bought Zayn's part for 14 million pounds. Thats more than what you expected . And the other parts have also been paid for . Within a week your name will be all over the news and the company's states will go higher than expected for the month. I hope this all makes you happy."

Daniel breathing was heavy and excitement could be felt by jason on the other side of the call, " oh jace!! This news gave me the chills of my life. This is going to be legend!!!"

Jace laughed ," Gosh ! daniel i understand that you are excited but remember what i told when you took this deal? Don't take my words as jokes . I have seen what lucifer can do. Don't you understand?"

Daniel stayed calm and replied," Before i signed the deal he assured me my safety Jace. I understand what you are trying to say but once I signed the contract there is no backing away . he told me that he will not harm me or any one."

Jace laughed again," And you believe him? You are growing old Daniel .  Can't you see? You signed the deal with THE devil and you believe the devil? It sounds like a mistake Daniel , I don't know why you are so blind to see it. If i was at your place i would never sign the damned contract!!! You know what will come for you."

Daniel said," That's the point Jace .... you are not at my place. I can handle this . Now I m in the devil's personal council. I am one of the special people that the game wouldn't hurt. Don't you see how great that is?"

Disgusting by how his friend is blinded by the power Jace replied" fine then.... I don't want the darkness to come after me. I resign from my job Daniel. I'm  gonna go with my family. I'm gonna send you the money . From this moment i have nothing to do with this deal."

 A little surprised Daniel spoke up," Seriously Jace! This is soo childish ..... i may talk to Lucifer about you and who knows he may award you too.... and lets accept it , you know my plan . In the end I m gonna be the one who is ruling ."

Jace voice was almost a whisper when he said," Daniel Campbell , don't forget that you are only a human. While Lucifer is something that can't be described . I hope your plan may go smoothly otherwise it will result in the death of you and all your dear ones. In the end I would still advice you to stop."

With that he cut off the call. Daniel took a deep breath and thought about what Jace said. No doubt he knew more than what Daniel would ever know, not only about Lucifer but also about the whole. Judging that he was jucifer's blood brother. But he was confident about his plan .

" Aish Jace..... My plan is going to be the end of Lucifer. Once he will be at the verge of ending the game i will reveal his whole plan and take over him on claiming this game. " 

He took a sip of the alcohol that was served to him. 

                        ON THE OTHER HAND 


5:57 pm

{ Lucifer's study}

lucifer swirled the crystal duck again. He chucked  while thinking how stupid human's are . Silently he passed a glass of red wine to his guest who was sitting in front of him ," Josh , Sometimes i think that humans cross the limit of stupidness . Like this one here..... He really believed  that I would not keep a watch on him? I can hear his thoughts and there he is  shouting his plan on the top of his lungs . For christ sake! When will I  ever come across a smart human except Ethan."

Josh looked up," I heard you let him live. why?"

" I could see the loyalty in his eyes ..... he is loyal to me. there is something in him which is gonna help me more in the future. drink the wine josh."

Josh eyed the wine and then Lucifer, like judging whether it was right or not 

Lucifer smiled," there is no poison in it. yet...... 

I have a work for you."

Taking a sip from the drink josh said," I knew it. What do you want?"

Lucifer's eyes turned red," KILL THIS DANIEL GUY....."

Josh chuckled " That's it? you could do that by yourself Lucifer."

"I can't . Daniel was in touch with Jace..... He is surely protected with spells."

Josh became serious again," Jace? you mean..."

Lucifer nodded, " My brother. Who has always been against me . I don't know whats his plan. First helping with the game and then Leaving Daniel too." 

Josh drank the whole wine in one gulp and stood up," well then i guess I should get to work right away. Considering that he was in touch with Jason .... It might be difficult to kill him. But i'll do it..... I have never failed ."

Lucifer smirked ," I know thats why its you doing this job."

Josh turned to leave , but at the door he asked ," any specific request?"

Lucifer gave him the famous devilish smile," Bring me his disloyal heart..."

Josh smiled and left. Lucifer poured himself some red wine and said to no one in particular...." Jason I think i know your plan, But you know that you wont be able to save anyone from my rage...." 

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