chapter 27: hiking?! gym practice!? torture??

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Andriana was coming back from te headmaster's office after a long talk of 5 hours. Even though they just discussed a few spells, her legs felt weak. What made it worse was that she had no idea where to go . She didn't knew where her room was and multiple corridors and stairs were a huge problem.

She has been walking for 20 minutes now but it felt like two freaking hours. As she was taking a breath , she heard footsteps behind her. She turned around and saw a tall boy inbred hair. Without even realising she said," Holy mother of beautiful creatures" . He smiled while she mentally slapped herself.
" I am mark. Lost?"
Ri: yeah kinda...
Mark: Its fine . Which group are you from?
Ri: I don't know honestly..
Mark: you study here? Right?
Ri: yeah kinda...

Mark laughed and said," tell me something which is not kinda"

Ri: My name is Andriana Lockwood. That's for sure..

Mark's eyes widened and Andriana rolled her eyes. She was fed up of this reaction. Since the moment she has left the headmaster's office, every single picture frame on the wall ha the same reaction. It was more scary to hear the pictures talking about her.

Mark: OH!! I get it! Take these stairs and then go to the third  corridor on the left. When you cross it , take the middle staircase and then if you see on your right there will be a door with a eagle on it. That's the room provided to you all. Please keep your voice down, there are droxies round here. It was nice meeting you but I have some work to do. Hope to see you around.

He smiled and left. Andriana took a moment to realise that he left. She looked at the door he took and frowned.

Ri: well thankyou..😮
She took a deep breath and started walking again.

Ri: ugh! What is this ! Hiking?! Gym practice? Torture?!?!

Stomping her foot on the stairs , she didn't even realise what she was walking to. Once she climbed the stairs , she didn't saw any third corridor. Actually nothing was visible. The area was completely covered with some creature that didn't look pleasant.
They were tall and had grey wings. Huge grey wings and huge hands with claws. With the racket that she made, they all looked at her with their red eyes. If it wasn't for the big ass teeth ,she would admit that they were quiet attractive. But her mind changed the moment when they all started coming towards her.

Ri: well,I would love to thank the almighty for this lovely luck and encounter with these lovely creatures- but oh! Look at that ! I don't have the time ! Wow wow wow wow!  Destiny is really something great! I am so gratefu-
Tae: psst ! Andriana! Come to your senses!
Ri: taetae?! Where are you?!
Tae: forget that. Calm down! Just move forward instead of backing away! They are here for our security. Once they get your scent they will leave you alone.
Ri: Calm? Oh I am calm as a lamb that is in front of a hungry lion.

She looked at the crowd infront her and sighed. Squinting her eyes,she moved forward. When she was halfway through them, they all nodded and gave her way. She quickly ran to the corridor without looking back. For a moment she thought they were gonna come after her but they didn't. she climbed another staircase and looked on her right. There indeed was a huge door with an eagle on it. She smiled and ran towards it but the moment she touched the door knob, she felt an immense burn. She quickly withdrawed her hand .

Ri: aish! It burned my hand

The eagle on the door spoke up," password for permission."

Ri.: I don't know what you mean?!? I have no password!!

Slowly the door opened and she said," well that is an easy password! ".  But when taehyung came from behind the door , she understood.

Tae: you must be tired . Get in.
Ri:You have no idea.

The room was a huge circular room with a fireplace in the centre. There a bookshelf on each side of the fireplace and eight door were also there. A square table with grandpa chairs surrounding it. Jungkook and jimin were on those chairs with Jungkook's leg on the table . He turned  around when he heard me a call smiled.

Jk: Hey! How was it?
Ri: great! The headmaster is a great man!
Jimin: you met some new friends on the way here?
Ri: scary winged vampires!! Damnnn ! I almost stopped breathing ! But how did you talked to me taehyung?
Tae : oh!! Professor Regina talked about how to contact minds today. I was practising when I heard you talking gibberish.
Jk : you had trouble finding the room right? It took us an hour to find it!
Ri. : Yeah it was Tiring! I am dumbfounded that they didn't give us maps! Like " have fun navigating yourself in an ancient castle with creatures that could kill you all by yourself suckers!"

They all laughed and Andriana looked around.

Ri: I am gonna go sleep.
Jk: Already?!
Ri: sorry kooks ! Tired! Which one is mine?
Tae : the first one on the right.
Ri : goodnight amigos!

When she left  Jungkook turned towards his hyungs .

Jk: should I go or not?
Tae: go mate! Something is wrong...
Jimin: no! Give her sometime! She will talk to you soon whenever she wants!
Jk: hmmm..... I am gonna with taehyung's suggestion. It is more positive. Goodnight!

Jimin Shaked his head.

Jimin: why did I even tried.

The moment jungkook closed the door , there was a loud bang! The fire in the fireplace was out . And through the smoke emerged a bleeding hoseok and yoongi. As they came forward , another figure became clear. Jungkook and Andriana came rushing out with scared faces.

Yoongi: move your ass hoseok before I set it on fire!
Hobi: it's not my fault hyung! It was a mistake to go alone! Mistake!
Yoongi : whatever!
Jimin: oh god!!
Ri: what on earth happened?!?!
Tae.: Is that blood on your face hobi?
Yoongi: no that maple syrup! We were cooking with the freaking devil!!!
Jk: hang on! Is that

Yoongi: well yeah that might be true ...

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