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Warm tears flood down the side of my cheeks as I sit here at 12.30 am contemplating my life. Whether it should be lived or not and even whether people like me at all. I wish the thoughts would stop coming but they won't and they never will leave my mind. They come into my head and tell me I'm no good and I'm shit at life and that's why no one wants you I mean have you looked at me? Exactly the point is proven. At this stage I just wanna live in my room where I can't be seen at the world and I can just cry until no more tears can be produced from my watery eyes.

Maybe I'm just over reacting or maybe no one reading this cares, but that's ok. As I did previously say I don't care if you read this or not. Don't be scared to say something as the hearts a,ready broken into too many pieces to count so saying something won't shatter the whole thing. That was done ages ago 😞😞🔫

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