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Everything in this chapter has been upsetting recently, so I thought I would write about one of the best weeks of my life so far. This is all about Singapore :)

I always wanted to travel and have the first plane flight experience to somewhere adventurous. On Monday the 5th of December 2016, I was at the airport at 6 am ready for what the adventure had to bring.

I was going to Singapore with the schools football (soccer) team to represent the school in the Singa cup. We were going for a week. I was nervous but so excited as I was finally going on a plane but mainly because I got to experience it with one of my best friends.

The whole team was excited to go to Singapore. The flight was 5 hours long but it was good. We boarded around 8am and then just relaxed the whole flight. We got a meal and water and it was so good.

We finally got off the plane and admired the airport. Boarding our travel bus, someone had forgotten about the camera and left it on the plane. We all sat on the bus and waited. We weren't complaining we all figured out the seats could recline, so we were just playing with them for ages.

We arrived at our hotel and all went into our rooms to unpack and settle down. I was sharing a room with my best friend which was expected, as in football we are always together 😂. After an hour or so we got to go to the mall by our hotel. We shopped for a while then ate some dinner and walked back to the hotel, but before we went in the hotel we stopped at a little 7 eleven to grab some snacks to keep in our room. We were all exhausted so we just went to bed.

The next day we woke up and walked down to breakfast. It was great as you could pick your own food and how much you wanted of it. We did some training that day and some more shopping. In the afternoon we had our first game to play at. They were a good team and ended up beating us, but it was ok as we still had other games to try and win. We got back to the hotel and rested for a few hours before we departed to Chinatown. It was a good experience, and I even got a henna. There's a story to it though. You see we didn't realise there were hennas until we were going to leave. There were a few of us who wanted one, so one if the coaches who was looking after said he would stay behind while the other half of the team went back home. We got our hennas done and began walking. It was a bit of a long walk so we thought we would try out the train. We got on the train and once we got off we were completely lost as we took it to the wrong place. We were walking for ages before we decided to catch a taxi. That plan failed as they were rude and just drove off. We walked for longer and realised we did a circle as we were back at Chinatown. We kept walking after asking so many people for  the directions when we finally got back to the hotel at like 11pm.

On Wednesday we were tired from Chinatown. We woke up, ate breakfast and went somewhere new to go and shop. We went to a market place and saw many cool things. After the markets we went back to the hotel and you could either relax or go to the mall next to it. A few of us decided to go to the mall as our coach said she saw some limited editions shoes in there. We looked around and after some convincing I brought a pair of nikes. I love them so much and wear them nearly everyday.

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